Yahoo! GeoCities Guestbook Join 

Name? :   your boy friend!
Nickname? :   cute
URL? :
Comments? :   very coool....
(Other) fave goth sites...? :
Fave bit of my site? :   your pic
What needs improving? :   needs to be wearder
Am I sane? :   no but i like it
Name? :   Jo
Nickname? :   Pheeni (lol)
URL? :   
Comments? :   Hiya Dani, love ya site
(Other) fave goth sites...? :
Fave bit of my site? :   the Wicca bit wen it gets runnin
What needs improving? :   nuffin, its all good
Am I sane? :   sometimes :) mwhahaha
Name? :   g0thgir1danie11e
Nickname? :   ooops wrong box... nm
URL? :   this 1!!!
Comments? :   this is my site... be nice to me I'm a nice person really... until I cut through your jagular...
(Other) fave goth sites...? : (it has a really cool definition of goth)
Fave bit of my site? :   that'd be a bit hard to answer... cos it's my own site...
What needs improving? :   I guess all the bits I've not done yet!!! and also: NOTE TO SELF: must change 'oh my god' to either 'oh my deity' or 'oh my goth'
Am I sane? :   never... in a million years... until hell frezzes over... and as it's below zero outside one could say I am sane... but that'd be a lie and then one would be the insane one... confused you?!?
Name? :   charlotte
Nickname? :   banana bum
URL? :
Comments? :   very good, interesting and funny :)w/e very gothy
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   erm dont hav none :(
Fave bit of my site? :   every thing is brill
What needs improving? :   nothing its all lurvely
Am I sane? :   yes
Name? :   g0thgir1danie11e
Nickname? :   ^
URL? :   duh!
Comments? :   I want to see more of you signing this guestbook ok!!! 35 of you have been on my site (excluding the 6/7 times I've been on it) and I don't see that many people who've signed this!!! lol
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   
Fave bit of my site? :   
What needs improving? :   
Am I sane? :   still no
Name? :   g0thgir1danie11e
Nickname? :   
URL? :   
Comments? :   that should've been jugular not jagular lol
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   
Fave bit of my site? :   
What needs improving? :   
Am I sane? :   still no
Name? :   ShellZ
Nickname? :   hmmm...anything offending :P
URL? :
Comments? :   cool site!!!!!
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   
Fave bit of my site? :   thoughts, although they aint that disturbing
What needs improving? :   
Am I sane? :   well seen as i dont know u i wouldnt know, but ill say....No :P
Name? :   Struann
Nickname? :   PrinceofVampyre
URL? :   ?
Comments? :   kool site and nice looking gothed up girl who made it...
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   
Fave bit of my site? :   the nice looking creator
What needs improving? :   nothing
Am I sane? :   ??are any of us??
Name? :   Dani
Nickname? :   g0+hG!r1D@n!E11E
URL? :   this
Comments? :   waaaaw I'm nice looking... and plus I just got asked out by a 24 yr old OMG lol
(Other) fave goth sites...? :
Fave bit of my site? :   the address book cos I like wat ppl r saying lol
What needs improving? :   my general sanity
Am I sane? :   if only
Name? :   Danielle
Nickname? :   g0thgir1danie11e
URL? :   this
Comments? :   I just took several IQ tests... I got 154 in one and one I took a few yrs ago said it's 148... but another I took just now said 118!!! weeeeeird!!! lol so wat r all ur IQs? out of interest lol
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   
Fave bit of my site? :   
What needs improving? :   
Am I sane? :   yes, for a change I feel less demented... altho plan to take over world is not yet in action
Name? :   James
Nickname? :   Kerrang
URL? :   avant got 1
Comments? :   this site is v.good
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   no but goths and grungers rule
Fave bit of my site? :   the pics are good
What needs improving? :   woteva u wont
Am I sane? :   MAYBE............ NA URE PEFECTLY INSANE
Name? :   Talya
Nickname? :   Kavanne
URL? :   n/a
Comments? :   ::signs guestbook:: ::leaves:: ::yawn:: i feel sarcastic.
(Other) fave goth sites...? :
Fave bit of my site? :   
What needs improving? :   Colour scheme.
Am I sane? :   
Name? :   siobhan
Nickname? :   slipknotgirl2200
URL? :   
Comments? :   hi its me (remember me ? ) this site is brill if u want to e-mail me its [email protected] thanx for givin me insight to this brilll site :)
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   
Fave bit of my site? :   everythinbrill brill brill
What needs improving? :   
Am I sane? :   
Name? :   Joey
Nickname? :   JB
URL? :   
Comments? :   Very kool. tell all freinds about it!
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   this is the only "goth" site i would go on
Fave bit of my site? :   pic of u in lunch area. did they paint it?
What needs improving? :   more pics of cool stuff
Am I sane? :   no! (congrats)
Name? :   Danielle
Nickname? :   g0thgir1danie11e
URL? :   
Comments? :   hi! no it's just a photo... I'll try to get some more cool pics (I'm gonna have some taken of me soon so I'll try to get them scanned in for my 'art' or whatever I can tell the teacher lol) also I'll keep looking for pics of other stuff... but if you have
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   currently I have no firm favourite
Fave bit of my site? :   the pics of the blood stained rose and goth girl on the cliff top are cool... need some more lol
What needs improving? :   my 'wicca' section cos I started it and didn't finish
Am I sane? :   ask the audience
Name? :   luke
Nickname? :   (not got enough friends to have one)
URL? :   
Comments? :   if I don't have anything nice to say..........
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   bleurgh. goths?
Fave bit of my site? :   the x icon at the top of the box.
What needs improving? :   everything.
Am I sane? :   no.
Name? :   kyle
Nickname? :   sic
URL? :   
Comments? :   we live in a fucked up world, with fucked up people who will all suffer when satan rises
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   
Fave bit of my site? :   lyrics
What needs improving? :   nothing
Am I sane? :   who is????????
Name? :   Danielle
Nickname? :   g0thgir1danie11e
URL? :   you should know by now!!!
Comments? :   Luke must DIE!!! lol I added more to the wicca page, the disturbing thoughts page (now there's a link to the next page of disturbing thoughts, and they're more disturbing although I could still do better) and made I a page on graveyards... cos they're
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   
Fave bit of my site? :   The graveyards bit
What needs improving? :   all the stuff that is left un-finished
Am I sane? :   hahaha {demented laugh yes... really I am... lol
Name? :   Talya
Nickname? :   Kavanne
URL? :   
Comments? :   Y'know, a message board would be cool too.
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   
Fave bit of my site? :   
What needs improving? :   
Am I sane? :   compared to me... ;)
Name? :   Jo
Nickname? :   (I have many)
URL? :   don't have one yet :(
Comments? :   ur site is so kool, I really like the graveyards page, its really really kool.
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   hmmm can't think of any at this very moment
Fave bit of my site? :   The graveyard page
What needs improving? :   the incomplete stuff
Am I sane? :   I'm not, and ur definatly not!
Name? :   martyn
Nickname? :   marto
URL? :   
Comments? :   hey baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaby
(Other) fave goth sites...? :
Fave bit of my site? :   the pics
What needs improving? :   nuthin
Am I sane? :   yeah
Name? :   Clare
Nickname? :   Clazza
URL? :   
Comments? :   Pretty good site,Cool about the history ect ect.Some good linx.I'm more of a skater myself tho.
(Other) fave goth sites...? : is good
Fave bit of my site? :   The history,like I said,ah-em!
What needs improving? :   The erm,thoughts and graveyards bit?And you should put a sampler so you can hear what ure lyrics are supposed 2 sound like.
Am I sane? :   I am definatley more mental than you.Don't worry about it.Be alternative.LIVE,People!FFS!
Name? :   g0thgir1danie11e
Nickname? :   oh damn used the wrong box again
URL? :   
Comments? :   yeah the thing is that I haven't got any of my songs recorded and have no band!!! and I don't have the hardware/software to put any recordings onto the computer... so basically... I would if I could lol.. hey what's wrong with the graveyards bit?!? lol...
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   
Fave bit of my site? :   
What needs improving? :   
Am I sane? :   
Name? :   Mike
Nickname? :   i dont have one
URL? :   havnt got any real goth ones
Comments? :   this site is really good as a goth site ill come back when uve got sum more stuff
(Other) fave goth sites...? :
Fave bit of my site? :   the lyrics really paint a grey and black pic thats the best
What needs improving? :   errmm i suppose u could finish off some of the stuff other than that top stuff
Am I sane? :   no (thats a good thing)
Name? :   Jo
Nickname? :   
URL? :   
Comments? :   I love ur song "the thing that made you (bleed)" it rulZ! its so kool
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   u kno it by now
Fave bit of my site? :   still the graveyards page and ur thoughts
What needs improving? :   the ones not finished
Am I sane? :   nope
Name? :   katie
Nickname? :   hooded_devil
URL? :   ??????????
Comments? :   very kewl good lyrics too wonering if uve got a melody to them
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   
Fave bit of my site? :   lyrics
What needs improving? :   its kewl as it is
Am I sane? :   we'll let the men in white coats decide
Name? :   Joanna
Nickname? :   Ban
URL? :   nope
Comments? :   Your site is very kool... And your lyrics r really gd..
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   Cant think of any right now!!
Fave bit of my site? :   Grave yards page!!! (very kool)
What needs improving? :   Cant think of any thing dat needs 2 be improved!!
Am I sane? :   Hope not!!
Name? :   Danielle
Nickname? :   g0thgir1danie11e
URL? :   
Comments? :   yeah some of them have melodies, not all of them though...
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   
Fave bit of my site? :   u ppl r all being so nice bout my site :) lol
What needs improving? :   
Am I sane? :   dum-de-dum dum-diddly-um... sorry, wat was the question?!?
Name? :   suzanne you know one of ur best friends
Nickname? :   Suzi
URL? :   --------
Comments? :   nice page dani
(Other) fave goth sites...? :   erm the gothy type ones
Fave bit of my site? :   all of it but mainly the wiccan
What needs improving? :   don't know
Am I sane? :   no
Name? :   Me
Nickname? :   eeer
URL? :   
Comments? :   cool page!!! I just wanna say check out these are my m8s and watch out 4them they fcuking rock!!! listen 2theyre mp3 version!! cya kids Me
(Other) fave goth sites...? : LOADS!!
Fave bit of my site? :   eeeer
What needs improving? :   hmmmm
Am I sane? :   im not......
Name? :   Rowan
URL? :   does that meen website?!
Favourite song? :   hmmmm theres SO many!
Favourite lyric? :   "you fell to the ground, like rain, on deff ears your eyes met, like rain," i think thats right! but theres probally some better ones i cant remember or havnt heard of!
Overall comment? :   on the site? Oh yes!! very good i likes it vvv much and your quite a wierd gal!! But so am i so i cant complain! plus i like wierd people!
Do you write lyrics? :   i have done but i was just cocking around! I write music instead!
Do you want them on my page? :   If you could do with a laugh yeh!!
Am I sane? :   no! neither am I! And i like insane people! i said this already....
Name? :   Adam
URL? :   huh
Favourite song? :   Enter Sandman by Metallica
Favourite lyric? :   fuck off
Overall comment? :   ok
Fave bit of the site? :   i dunno
What needs improving? :   words
Am I sane? :   yes
Name? :   Hugh
URL? :
Favourite song? :   citizen erased (muse)
Favourite lyric? :   erm
Overall comment? :   oooooooooooooooooooooh yeah
Fave bit of the site? :   the gothy bit
What needs improving? :   it
Am I sane? :   spose
Name? :   Rowan
URL? :
Favourite song? :   
Favourite lyric? :   i just realized i put the lirics wrong that i put on the preiose(spelling) message...its.... "You fell to the ground, like rain, on deff ears our eyes met, hands and knees were blistered!!" Kittie!! YAY quality band!! YAY 4them!!
Overall comment? :   amazing
Fave bit of the site? :   all of it...i think lol yeh!....all of it!!
What needs improving? :   nothing...
Am I sane? :   as i said no! but im not! So thats good coz i like insane mentalists!!
Name? :   black roadie
URL? :   
Favourite song? :   
Favourite lyric? :   
Overall comment? :   It's brill! Really can help work out the best things (or worst) in life.
Fave bit of the site? :   All of it.
What needs improving? :   More pic's on graveyards.
Am I sane? :   About as sane as I am!
Name? :   George
URL? :   N/A
Favourite song? :   N/A
Favourite lyric? :   N/A
Overall comment? :   Very impressed with the site, its quite intelligent and creative. You say you want spells, but one thing I noticed (trust me!) is how much you need a spell checker! lol.
Fave bit of the site? :   Liked all of it.
What needs improving? :   All of it.
Am I sane? :   Erm...pass.
Name? :   g0thgir1danie11e
URL? :   
Favourite song? :   Sweet Dreams by MM
Favourite lyric? :   "all the people in this world, I'm still alone"
Overall comment? :   ok, here is an idea: if you see any spelling mistakes then e-mail me at [email protected] and put something 'your site' in the title so I don't delete it (lol) and then tell me the error/s and I'll sort them!!! :)
Fave bit of the site? :   currently the 'Yahoo-Sux' and 'blocked' pages
What needs improving? :   I'll let u decide lol
Am I sane? :   the little people think so!!!
Name? :   ShellZ
URL? :   
Favourite song? :   
Favourite lyric? :   
Overall comment? :   
Fave bit of the site? :   
What needs improving? :   i know ive signed this already but i know the truth.......
Am I sane? :   Dani is definatly not sane!!!!!!!
Name? :   sam thomson
URL? :   kurtisdead2002
Favourite song? :   none
Favourite lyric? :   none
Overall comment? :   your fucked up and i'm in a gruged band plus we kick ass i go to the same school as you a i will tell you what i think of your fucked up brain
Fave bit of the site? :   it is all shit
What needs improving? :   all of it
Am I sane? :   yes in a way
Name? :   g0thgir1danie11e
URL? :   
Favourite song? :   
Favourite lyric? :   
Overall comment? :   Hmmm pitty... I think grungers are cool... and your band is pretty good considering you write your own songs... but hey, I can't please everyone
Fave bit of the site? :   not sure...
What needs improving? :   don't ask me, I have a biased view
Am I sane? :   no but I am fucked up, like Sam said!!!
Name? :   
URL? :   
Favourite song? :   chop suey
Favourite lyric? :   I sit, in my desolate room, no lights, no music, Just anger, I've killed everyone
Overall comment? :   pretty cool
Fave bit of the site? :   ?
What needs improving? :   ?
Am I sane? :   umm........
Name? :   Jenny?
URL? :   
Favourite song? :   (hed) pe - swan dive
Favourite lyric? :   CAN I PLAY WITH MADNESS? (pls suggs has a nice smile!)
Overall comment? :   i want a midget army!
Fave bit of the site? :   the letters that move!
What needs improving? :   more letter that move!
Am I sane? :   does my monkey know about thins?
Name? :   Timmy Chunks
URL? :   
Favourite song? :   'letters to you'-Finch
Favourite lyric? :   
Overall comment? :   I dont agree with ure whole makin out townies just follow each other cos ure so different. Yeah they suck ass big time. But all u goths look exactly the same. I look like all the other punk asses to! Its impossible to look different in terms of clothes co
Fave bit of the site? :   Its overal craziness
What needs improving? :   The bits where u claim to b different
Am I sane? :   er yes, no, yes , no, er yes, no
Name? :   g0thgir1danie11e
URL? :   for the millionth time...
Favourite song? :   currently Relam Of Darkness by Darkwell and Eclectic Heart by Interitus Dei
Favourite lyric? :   my head's so full of them... erm... first thing that comes to mind out of the morbid darkness: 'I've died a million times; every time you close your eyes' from 'a million years' by... erm me lol
Overall comment? :   yeah I know it's pretty hard to look different from everyone else... but if there was anyone else like me in the world I would be worried, very worried lol by the way, I wasn't refering to all people who aren't alternatives when I said townies, I was r
Fave bit of the site? :   
What needs improving? :   
Am I sane? :   maybe I am... maybe I'm the only sane one in a world of madnes... makes you wonder; if I'M sane, where's the rest of the world heading?!?
Name? :   Sara
URL? :   dunno
Favourite song? :   every muse song (tragic)
Favourite lyric? :   everything about is so easy to love there watching you from above
Overall comment? :   you smell nice can i eat you (joke)
Fave bit of the site? :   the pic of the girl (not danielle it was a drawing)
What needs improving? :   nothing
Am I sane? :   i know im not, no
Name? :   g0thgir1danie11e
URL? :   
Favourite song? :   'lithium' and 'drain you' by nirvana
Favourite lyric? :   I'm so happy cos today I dound my friends; in my head~~ lithium, from the muddy banks of wishkah, nirvana (if you talk to me, you'll hear me quote kurt a lot, and it's soooo true lmao)
Overall comment? :   just popped in to say: mwaaahahahaha
Fave bit of the site? :   dum-de-dum, dum-diddly-um
What needs improving? :   the dum-diddly-um bit me-thinx lol
Am I sane? :   hahaha gd 1
Name? :   rob
URL? :   
Favourite song? :   Du Hast
Favourite lyric? :   light the fuel the fire is burning a hole between our soal or Du Du hast Du hast mich Du hast mich gufrad
Overall comment? :   it was good when i saw it and it was working properly
Fave bit of the site? :   your pic
What needs improving? :   like ALL of the links dont work so id improve them lol
Am I sane? :   you know your not
Name? :   g0thgir1danie11e
URL? :   the broken one that you are reading the guestbook of!!!
Favourite song? :   errrrr that one I had in my head all of yesterday I guess... don't know what it WAS though!!! lol
Favourite lyric? :   I didn't get that far... I mean it was just the music in my head with a humming where the words should be... maybe I'll find out ant tell y'all... just maybe... lol
Overall comment? :   ok, slight prob- geocities has gone and changed it's linking thingy so you can't use hyperlinks (to non geocities or yahoo pages) unless you pay... and for some reason you can't use ANY links, it seems... so I'm gonna try to do something to fix it: I figu
Fave bit of the site? :   it was fine till geocities came along and ruined it all!!! lol
What needs improving? :   ^grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Am I sane? :   less than usual today... I mean I hyperventilated a bit and my brain was throbbing, and I just kept laughing... don't worry; I don't THINK it was anything serious lol {she says as she collapses on the floor from the effect of a brain haemorrhage lmao
Name? :   g0thgir1danie11e
URL? :   
Favourite song? :   
Favourite lyric? :   
Overall comment? :   YAY IT'S GONE AND FIXED ITSELF!!! WOOHOOO!!! lol
Fave bit of the site? :   
What needs improving? :   
Am I sane? :   guess again
Name? :   Mike
URL? :   none
Favourite song? :   
Favourite lyric? :   lyric link is broken
Overall comment? :   great site.. btw, you are BEAUTIFUL!
Fave bit of the site? :   entire site (mostly "how to be insane")
What needs improving? :   just the lyric link
Am I sane? :   yes
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