bLAck DaWn...
Drain the life straight from your veins,
this is the price to pay,
the time to die is here again,
it comes today.
Cut the thoughts straight from your brain,
there's nothing left to say,
all that you have now is pain,
and soon I will take that away, yeah.
Black dawn,
the sun is dead,
black thorns,
cut through your hear,
black eyes,
seeing red,
black skies,
no time to mourn the dead, yeah.
take your last thoughts from you,
and you'll breath death,
watch your lips turn blue,
from the icey breath.
Take a life so precious, new,
soon there's nothing left,
I hate all the things you do,
cos you think it's best.
Black dawn,
she comes for you,
black dawn,
the sun is dead,
black dawn,
she comes for you,
black dawn the sun is dead,
black dawn.
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