what do I feel? what do I see?
not the normal cold, trapped inside me.
where do I turn when I'm alone?
this shaken shell of crumbling bones.
when will this stop? when will I breath?
suffocated, and I can't leave.
how will I save this tortures soul?
ripped here inside, this eternal cold.
what do I feel? what do I see?
not the normal cold, trapped inside me.
what do I feel? what do I see?
this eternal cold, bitter poison in me.
what do I feel? what do I see?
this icey cold, eternal.
what do I feel? what do I see?
this bitter, cold eternity.
what do I feel? what do I see?
this icey cold, eternal.
what do I feel? what do I see?
this bitter, cold eternity.
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