you can't even move now:
your own body's against you.
you are your own victim now:
your own body's against you.
you are a filthy shadow,
of the beautiful things you were.
you are a worn out carcass,
and you're trying to fight the addiction.
knock, knock, hello, who's there?
I see your face inside my head.
knock, knock, how do you do?
you're there again, and I'm not free from you.
hello, my friend. I see you've failed:
you're just a ghost of who you were.
goodbye, my friend. I choke on tears:
your ltters are a haunting gift I keep.
you can't even move now:
your own cravings have filled you.
you are your own victim now:
the sands of time didn't kill you.
you are a filthy shadow,
of the beautiful things you were.
you are a worn out carcass,
dying; trying to fight the addiction.
knock, knock, hello, who's there?
I see your face inside my head.
kncok, knock, hwo do you do?
you're there again, and I'm not free from you.
hello, my friend, I see you've failed:
you'r just a ghost of who you were.
goodbye, my friend, I choke on tears,
your letters are a  haunting gift I keep.
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