In ThE HoLLoW...
climb the stairs; so scared to turn.
body shaking (too hard to run).
takes me down at the death of the sun.
on my own, and scared of the shadows.
eyes of tears; can't bear to open.
drown the pain. fix me: I'm broken.

it's a part of me that's breaking.
sorry: I can't stop my shaking.
another life just not worth taking.
it's a path I always follow:
holding on until tomorrow;
digging deeped in the hollow.

miss your voice; no other choice.
in the city, stalked by my fear.
pushing down each crystal tear.
bear the scars. wish i could fix them.
contemplations: am I just tripping?

it's a part of me that's breaking.
sorry: I can't stop my shaking.
another life just not worth taking.
it's a path I always follow:
holding on until tomorrow;
digging deeped in the hollow.

shut the door. turn out the light.
let's pretend it's all aliright.
one more time: "I'm perfectly fine."
at least I tired. I'm petrified.
this bitter ghost: "leave me alone,
in this depression (only method of expression)."

it's a part of me that's breaking.
sorry: I can't stop my shaking.
another life just not worth taking.
it's a path I always follow:
holding on until tomorrow;
digging deeped in the hollow.
in the hollow. in the hollow.
dig my grave inside the hollow.
in the hollow.
in the hollow.
in the hollow.
in the hollow.
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