1 Hensel Apt# W-2-K
College Station, TX 77840
[email protected]

Job Objectives

Desire for a full-time (permanent or long-term) position as Programmer Analyst/Database and Data Analyst/ Web Developer/SAS Programmer starting from Dec. 1997. Open to relocation.


Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
Management Information System, Master of Science, Dec. 1997, GPA 3.7

Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas
Sociology, Master of Science, Aug. 1996, GPA 3.3

Nanjing University of Agriculture, Jiangsu, P.R. C
Genetics and Plant Breeding, Bachelor of Science, Jul. 1985, GPA 3.9

Work Experience

Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, TAMU, College Station, Texas
Research Assistant, Sep. 1997 - Dec. 1997

Participated in a project funded by Texas Park and Wildlife Department, provided computer support, set up database, performed statistical data analysis by using SAS, GIS, and Spreadsheet, and produced consulting reports.

Department of Rural Sociology, TAMU, College Station, Texas
Research Assistant, Sep. 1993 - Aug. 1997

As a computer assistant, involved in Database Application in SQL Server, Web development in UNIX, LAN management, and PC hardware and software installation, configuration, trouble shooting; Participated in projects from USDA, State of Texas, etc., conducted survey, collected data, built database, and generated SAS data set; Used SAS and GIS to perform socioeconomic and marketing analysis by analyzing data from Bureau of the Census, NCHS, and World Bank. Responsible for preparing database, creating SAS data set from different file format, transporting data between operation systems over the network, producing tables, lists, and graphs, implementing statistical analysis with data modeling methods, testing and modifying programs, and writing technical reports, and presenting analysis results.

Human Resources Department, Nanjing University of Agriculture, Jiangsu, P. R. C
Personel Administrator/Assistant Director , Jul. 1985 - Aug. 1993

Responsible for managing employee and promotion system, projecting man power demand, and implementing performance appraisal system, etc.

"Outstanding Contribution Award" from Department of Agriculture, P.R. C, 1990.

Programming Language and Computer Skills

SQL, Small-Talk, C, C++, Visual Basic, ActiveX, JAVA, Java Script, HTML, CGI(Perl, Oraperl), UNIX Shell Script, JCL, COBOL, ORACLE, SQL Server, PowerBuilder, MS/ACCESS, SAS(SQL, BASE, STAT, GRAPH, MACRO), Window/SAS, MVS/SAS, GIS(Arcview, Arc/Info), DBASE II, Web Server Management, Network Management, Hardware & Software Technical Support in Window95/NT.

Network Experience

1. Participated in a team basis to set up a LAN with Novell Netware; Experience including installation of a Netware network system, establishing file servers and network printers, configuring user account, and troubleshooting network problems.
2. Worked on a LAN (Window 3.11 for Worksgroup) , managed user account, set up file and printer sharing, and built network connection by using TCP/IP, etc. Knowledge of NT server, Client/Server technology, and UNIX and LINUX network.

Operating Systems

Competent in UNIX, MVS, MS-Window95/NT/3.11, VMS, MS-DOS, LINUX.

Project Experience

1. Used CGI to setup a Web-based shopping network in Oracle. As a team leader, responsible for creating database, developing Web interface, writing Perl/Oraperl/Pro*C scripts, and organizing the implementation of the project.
2. Designed Data Warehousing application in the Web to provide On-line demographic and socioeconomic information from the Bureau of Census. Participated in designing Web interface, set up MYSQL database server, creating actual database from SAS data set, and coding CGI scripts.
3. As a member in a software development team to design Internet Bank Information System. Responsibilities include designing bank database and web interface, coding Java Scripts, writing the project report, and implementing Web Server, MS/Access, Cold Fusion, ODBC together.
4. Used C and OOP (Small-Talk, Objective-C, C++, JAVA) to develop applications such as computer games, accounting programs, math calculator, and animation.
5. Participated in a team to build an application in Access97 which involved complicated query, form, report, macro, and VB scripts. Responsible for designing patient database schema and interface, writing VB scripts to enable the event such as print, query, input, and update. Laos, designed relational database in MS-Access for GIS projects, library book checking, and real estate resources management, etc.
6. Used SQL*PLUS, PL/SQL, Oracle Form 4.0, and PRO*C to design and implement a product database system in Oracle; Knowledge of Oracel developer 2000.
7. Participated in a team work to implement an accounting and scheduling system to automate a consulting firm's billing information. Have experienced in IEF, ERD, and DRD, etc.
8. Designed and implemented GIS technology to develop a city's street lighting system from TIGER file, and used GIS as analytic and visual tool in government research projects to help resources management, decision making, and marketing analysis.
9. Developed "Business Web Page" for a real estate company, provided Web interaction by using Perl or Java Script, and managed Web Server on Window95/NT and Linux respectively .


Thomas, John K., Frank M. Howell, Ge Wang, etc. 1996. The Dimensions of U.S. Agriculture: Visualizing Trends in the Farming Nebula, 1982-1992. "Rural Sociology"
Wang, Ge, John K. Thomas. 1997. Technological Correlates of U.S. Agriculture. Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Rural Sociological Association in Birmingham, Alabama, Feb. 1997.
Adams, Clark E., John K. Thomas, Ge Wang, etc. 1997. Texas Game Warden Manpower Assessment Study. Technical Report. Presented at TPWD, Austin, Texas.

Work Authorization

Eligible for practical training work authorization.


Dr. Joobin Choobineh, MS/MIS Program Advisor, Associated Professor at Department of BANA, TAMU, Tel: (409)845-4048. Email: [email protected]
Dr. Steve H. Murdock, Chief Demographer of Texas, Director of Texas State Data Center, Head and Professor at Department of Rural Sociology, TAMU, Tel: (409)845-5332. Email: [email protected]
Dr. John K. Thomas, Professor at Department of Rural Sociology, TAMU, Tel: (409)845-2926. Email: [email protected]
Mr. Darrel Fannin, System Analyst at Texas State Data Center and Department of Rural Sociology, TAMU, Tel: (409)845-8524, Email: [email protected]

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