411 on AlGiEr

Yo Itd BeE mEe AlGiEr

>Full Name: Algier Redoloza
>Birthday: 8/10/80
>Height: 5'11”
>Eye Color: Brown
>Hair Color: No hair Im bald
>Hometown: LAGUNA, PI, reppin da 408 ba8y
>Favorite color(s): red, dark blue, royal blue, black, yellow
>Favorite Movie: Ones I get 2 watch wid my boo
>Favorite Type of Music: r/b, hip hop, rap
>Dream Car: SUPRA
>Favorite Food: spagetthi wid alfredo sauce
>Piercing or tattoos: TAT on my ARM wid my initals in CHInesE
>Favorite Soda Drink: Pepsi
>Adidas, Nike, or Reebok: NIKE

HaVe YoU eVeR....
>Drank alcohol? Yup
>Cheated on a test? Of course

Do YoU bElieVe In....
>Love at first sight? YEP
>God? YUP
>Horoscopes? It's a bunch of shiznet
>Ghosts? Nope
>Yourself? Yea

> WhIcH iS bEtTeR.... > >Coke or Pepsi: PEPSI
>Tall or short? Tall
>TV or radio? TV watch music videos then u can have 2 in 1

AbOuT tHe OpPoSiTe SeX:
>Honestly, what do you notice first? Clothes, shoes, face
>Must-have personality trait: funny
>Hair-curly or straight? Straight
>Hair-long or short? Long
>Fallen in love? Still Am

>WhAt Is....
>Your most prized and important possesion? GINA, and my Family
>Your good luck charm? GINA
>The best thing that happened to you today? I heard my baby’s voice

WhAt Do YoU tHiNk AbOuT....
>Abortion? It's your choice
>Rap? BOMB
>Country? Dat stuff is nasty
>Punk? Huh
>What Makes you laugh the most? My baby and joshua
>Do you like someone? No I LOVE some1
>WHO??? GINA of course

>Knows the most about you? Gina, Alex
>Has it easier, guys or girls? Girls they have hella clothing stores
>Best lyrics from a song: SONG 4 MAMA (replace MAMA wid GINA)

> WhAt ArE yOuR pLaNs FoR.....
>Last night: kick it wid my boo, watch AMERICAN PIE, ate at DENNYS
>Tonight: kick it wid my boo, work
>Tomorrow:kick it wid my boo

Gurl # 2 read my PROFILE


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