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Note that there's much Dutch sprinkled around this page ... you'll have to live with it :-)

dumbo, vooral ineengestoken door de onnavolgbare Olivier Biot
Fairborn Observatory
Victor's Astronomy. telescope making, mirror grinding and testing
ATM (veel docs in .zip vorm)
Wega, sterrenkunde en amateur telescoopbouw in Leuven (met lijst van Belgische/Nederlandse winkels (met ATM links)
ATM Mirror Mathematics
The Astronomy Net met ATM Forum
ATM Archives (archived mailing list)
Astronomy Dictionary
varkon, free Linux 3D CAD package
QCAD, free Linux 2D CAD package
CYCAS, 2D/3D Linux CAD package with free non-commercial version
optics, CCD, wavelets, ...
Yahoo's telescope making club, astronomy club, astronomie club, astronomy clubs index
ATM Journal
Zoek op 'telescoop' bij geocities:

Stichting De Koepel
Dave Trott: telescopes for dummies, telescope plans, ...
The ATM's workshop
Bouw zelf een telescoop van Mira, een cursus in zeven delen/Build a telescope on your own, a course in 7 parts (Dutch)
8 inch ATM scope
Amateur Astronomy.com
Stockton Astronomical Society: mirror grinding, polishing, testing, ...
Sirius, Murzim, Puppies JVS kernen
Peter Smith: eyepieces, construction techniques, correctors, cheap interferometer
Rug Volkssterrenwacht Armand Pien
Making a mirror
Bill's Telescope Making Project 14.5", lots of pictures
Alex Figueroa's Amateur Astronomy
Eyepiece Ideas: Make them from common materials
Stargazing Network: free webpage hosting for ATM'ers
The Care and Feeding of an Astronomical Telescope
Wood telescope plan

Search engines

Astronomy @ hotbot.com
Amateur Telescope Making @ hotbot.com

Grinding logs/slijplogs

Useful to see how long it took others :-)
TOT = Tool On Top
MOT = Mirror On Top
TDE = ?
COC = ?
fl = focal length

Handig om te zien hoe lang anderen er over gedaan hebben :-)
TOT = Tool On Top, hulpschijf bovenaan
MOT = Mirror On Top, spiegel bovenaan
fl = focal length, brandpuntsafstand

Buck Childers
Wolfgang Birkfellner's 12.5"
8" Newtonian
Mirror grinding 8"

Peltier elementen

(Elektuur 10/1999) Koelen/opwarmen tot 60 graden C:
1,9V dc; 3,9W; 665bf; 15x15x5 mm
12V dc; 41W; 1850bf; 40x40x4 mm
12Vdc; 123W; 2990bf; 50x50x4 mm
Colin Elektronik, Grote Baan 276 (N9 Gent-Eeklo) 9920 Lovendegem
(09)372 44 55, fax (09)372 44 77; open ma-vr 9u-12u30, 13u30-18u; za 9u-12u30


Slitless Foucault Tester
``Berry style'' Foucault Tester
Fringe simulation applet
Foucault Tester
Interferometry & Telescopes, on-line book
Disk Drive Foucault Tester made of an old disk drive!
Slitless Foucault tester
A Star Test Primer


Sky & Telescope (doe een search op CCD) bv Optimizing CCD imaging system (bevat referenties naar een paar TI CCD's)
Nog een overzicht / Another overview
The ATM Page: Cookbook CCD Camera
Kodak CCD's
CCD chips op ATMpage
Gentronics---they don't sell CCD's but anyway ...
Kitty 255/237, CCD camera kit with extensive explanations and circuit schemes
The AUDINE project, a CCD camera for everybody!
Starting Out Right in CCD Imaging (Sky & Telescope)
Sky & Telescope: CCD imaging

Er zijn blijkbaar ook CMOS imaging devices tegenwoordig ...
It seems nowadays there are also CMOS imaging devices ...

Meta-links (links to links)

Telescopes op about.com
Yahoo over sterrenkunde en over Amateur Telescope Making
The Newtonian Pages: amateurs, companies, magazines
Carl Koppeschaar's Astronet
David H. Bevel: ATM, electronics
ATM Link Archive
Shane LaPierre's ATM Links
Scott Marsh: CCD, ATM
ATM, mirror grinding, ...
ATM, CCD, ...
Jan van Gastel: ATM, optics, mounts, ...
ATM Page: construction notes, etc (Interesting stuff: curved spider vanes, etc)
WWW Virtual library: Amateur astronomy (lots of links---hopen links!)
Web rings:

Sterrenkunde algemeen / Astronomy in general

Astronomy magazine met gratis boekje voor beginners/with free booklet for beginners: download
Zenit magazine (sterrenkunde, weerkunde en ruimteonderzoek)

Motor control

http://zebu.uoregon.edu/~mbartels/altaz/boyd.html: 48:1, 7.2:1 vertraagd, 400 stap/omwenteling stepper, 256x microstepped
totaal: 35.389.440 microsteps/omwenteling
di 98304 microsteps/graad
of 27,3 microsteps/boogseconde (ongeveer 1/15 step)

Scope Drive webring

Shops / Winkels

Van Grootven optics
Europese ATM resources met een adres in gent (Optiek Van Wesemael, Groentenmarkt 15, 09/234 16 27)
Orga, doe-het-zelf winkel

Mounts / Monteringen

Paul LeFevre's Travelscope, very compact


CAOS, Club of Amateurs in Optical Spectroscopy
Spectrashift: Amateur Radial Velocity Studies

Mirror cells

Simple, high-quality cell from R.F. Royce who has also other interesting articles
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