This is my personal thoughts page.  Since I made quite an entry to my diary, I'll take time to insert them into here.  Some stuff are in paragraphs and some are in not form.  Hope you enjoy reading!
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Personal Thoughts
21 hours of flying...and also....12 hours of continous freaking turbulance...absolutely crazy flight.  ITs far from comforting.  The only good thing about it was that in the end, I got back to HK,  Also, my flight arrived one hour late, thus I arrived at midnight.
December 21st, 2003
Ah....Christmas holiday...well its not really Christmas yet, but at least everything this semester is over...right now, I'm longing to go back to HK.  Gonna meet up with old buddies...havent seen them for a long time....wonder how they're doing...
December 19th, 2003
Less than 12 hours after I arrived, I went out to meet Miche, Kam and Helen.  NOt bad, considering that we went to sing k. =P

True true, I was tired, afterall, the flight was not...smooth to say the least.  Good to see that they're all doing fine.  Maybe,I'll meet them again sometime again.
December 22nd, 2003
Summer 2004 thoughts
back to myself
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