Michelle's Postcard Pages

AHHHH....Collecting Postcards....My Favorite Hobby

I have been collecting for a few years but in the past year I have started trading with people online. This has enabled me to greatly increase my collection as well as allowed me to meet many wonderful people.

I have gotten cards from all over the world. Something I could have never done by collecting from places I visit. My aim is to get at least one postcard from every country in the world as well as a card postmarked from all 50 U.S. states.

On the following pages you can see just a few of the cards in my collection as well as meet some of the people I have traded with. Also you can find out just about anything you need to know about postcards, from starting your own collection to finding people to trade with.

Enjoy your visit and HAPPY TRADING!

My Postcard Collection ~ My Preferences

Postcard Traders Info ~ Useful Postcard Links

History of the Postcard ~ Postcard Storage Ideas

Postcard Sizes and Definitions ~ Round Robins

Tips For Trading ~ Where to find cards

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Email Me at ga_mommyATyahoo.com

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