Round Robins

Round Robins are a fun and different way for traders exchange cards. They can be a great way for you to expand your collection quickly. It's nice to be able to pick and choose which cards you want, also to try to find cards that other traders will enjoy.

You can have general robins or specific topics such as lighthouses or transportation. First and foremost you will need a sponsor. This person will make a list of all the traders who are in the designated robin (sponsors name being last). The list, which will circulate with the cards, should consist of the names and addresses of each trader. Usually their preferences are included unless it is a specific topic robin. The sponsor will then mail a designated number of cards to the first person on the list. When this person receives the cards he/she should take however many cards they want and replace the exact number of cards back in the robin which he took out. These cards should be of the same quality of those he is taking out. Then send the robin flying to the next person on the list. This will continue until the robin is returned to the sponsor.

Another way to do a robin is by sending the sponsor of your RR 2-3 postcards, to start it off. Then is will continue as stated above.

A few tips about round robins.

  • There are usually about 6 members per robin.
  • A robin should take about 4-6 weeks to return to the sponsor, granted that there are no more than 6 members and they are all located in the US.
  • A USA-only robin of 5 cards should cost regular postage and one of 10 cards should be 55 cents to mail. An international robin can be a lot of postage.
  • You should put the cards in plastic sleeves or an old greeting card if possible.
  • When doing a general robin try to pick cards that are in the next person's preferences list.
  • When sending your cards, make sure to add a note saying that the cards are for the round robin, because some fo the members may forget.
  • All extra contents/info added by the sponsor, meant for all to see, must be sent along every time.
  • You might want to ask the people to email you when they receive the package so you know where it is. You can also have them right down on a sheet IN the envelope when they received it and when they sent it, so you get an idea of how long it takes.

My Postcard Collection ~ My Preferences

Postcard Traders Info ~ Useful Postcard Links

History of the Postcard ~ Postcard Storage Ideas

Postcard Sizes and Definitions ~ Round Robins

Tips For Trading ~ Where to find cards

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