Re-mixing the past... for the future...

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GalaDance II
Duelist Solitaire
Shannon Noll
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IMR Technology

News Thursday, April 22, 2004

You can now either download me yu-gi-oh solitare game, or play online!!! yayyyy!!! Just click the link over there on the left and the swf will load (may take a while if youre on 56k!! sorry!!)


News Monday, April 12, 2004

Well, it's been a while hasn't it? I didnt realize how long it HAS been! Wowza! Well, anyways, I tried to do a BOR mod.. that's Beats of Rage in case ya dont know... and I think it's turning out pretty much A-OK... I dont have time to work on it, for now, but I wanted people to see it anyways :)
I dont think it'll be another year before I do anything on this site.. but we'll see ay...

You can grab it over there under duelist solitare! While you're here.. ya should check out our runner-up to Australian Idol.. Shannon Noll.. he's *how d'ya say* A'IGHT!!!


News Monday, July 03, 2003

After asking for advice here there and everywhere, and getting some much needed opinions from some great guys at OC remix, I made another remix. Kinda like my first one.. but, uhhh...not. I added bass, made it longer (thanks for the suggestions SonGoku-X) and I got rid of the huge bang in the left ear speaker that made Eccles go ~_< (sorry lol) Oh, and Thanks for the plug Artificialist hehe.

Well, if it sucks let me know.. Im new to this stuff (Its my excuse and Im stickin' to it ;) )


News Monday, June 30, 2003

My first day, my first release. Let me introduce myself to all you remix fans out there. My name is gabbi... and Im an alcoholic...oh wait eheheh.. wrong place :S (Im really not.. honest!)

Actually, my name is gabbi, and I am the wife of Ian, programmer at IMR Technology. He does lots of great stuff for the Dreamcast, for instance, porting SDL games, and doing single game arcade releases. This is where I fit in. Songs were needed for single game arcade releases, and since I like music (who doesnt?) and since I like arcade games (Im not strange am I?), I thought I'd give it a go.

My first re-mix is called GalaDance. I'll let you guess as to what game its from :) I'll be doing alot more, so stay tuned! You can find alot of fun things to do at IMR Technology, so visit. I know you want to. You do, you really do.

Please feel free to sign my guestbook... I encourage it.. no.. I demand it! (pretty please?)













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