
Sept.'03. Gabby has been signed up by UK breadmakers Kingsmill to help advertise their "Free Kit for Clubs" promotion. You can read all about it  Here

Jan.'05. Gabby will be the main ITV presenter for Superbowl 39 on Sunday February 6th, the biggest date on the Anerican Football calender. She will be involved in the pre-match build up, and joined in the studio by, amongst others, ex-England rugby star Martin Johnson. Gary Imlach, veteran ex-Channel 4 American Football presenter will be in the Alltel Stadium in Jacksonville, Florida for the match itself.

Feb. 5th '05. STOP PRESS!!! Gabby and her husband Kenny have announed that they are expecting twins! Apparently Gabby is 3 months pregnant, and they are delighted with the news. Our congratulations to them both, and best wishes to Gabby for a healthy and problem-free pregnancy! Read all about it  Here

Feb.'05. Gabby will be presenting another "Great British Memory Test on ITV on February 5th. Again co-presented by Neil "Dr." Fox, this is another opportunity for our lovely Gabby to prove just what a talented, versatile and all-round a presenter she really is...!

Keep checking back for more news...

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