~ Convention ~
~ Pictures ~
Katsucon 007 - 2001, Feb, Crystal City, VA
Otakon - 2001, July, Baltimore, MD
Katsucon 8 - 2002, Feb, Baltimore, MD
Project A-kon 13 - 2002, June, Dallas, TX
This being my first convention, I didn't really know what to expect.  It turned out to be the best experience ever.  I went with my 2 best friends, Megann and Yasako.  This was back when they were working for Steve (+_+) - that's what he looks like.  Actually, its a good thing, cuz he let Megann and I stay in one of his rooms the second night, so we didn't have to sleep with Gendo again!  Megann made my costume -WITHOUT A PATTERN!!- while her mom made her costume- we went as Miaka and Nuriko.  Megann is exceptionally good at acting like her.  We won hall-costume awards!  Also at this con we saw the best cosplay in history- Yaya-and-group's Angel Sanctuary musically choreographed masterpiece.  This was the start of it all for me!!
This was my third convention and we all liked it alot, however, the hotel it was in was not as conducive to a great con as the last Katsu.  It was a little too nice of a place, with marble floors and columns, and something along the lines of paladian architecture.  The dance was great though- in a huge room with lots of space and good lighting.  Yaya, ofcourse, was at this con too, and blew everyone out of the water with her gorgeous Yuna bridal gown.  Its too bad she hasn't been in another large cosplay since my 1st Katsu.  The DiGi Charat cosplayers were adorable- they even made the fingers!  Also here were some great MV's, rivaling the greatness of the ones last year.  Unfortunatly, I didn't find too much to blow my money on in the dealers rooms this time around.
SUCKED ASS!!!!!!!!!!  Agh, what a horrific waste of time and money!!  I have been told that all previous Ota's were really great, but its hard to believe after this abomination.  It was at the Balt. Conv. Center- already a problem- too large.  The dance- was in a frickin' corner of a hallway!  With the lights on!  I don't even remember the cosplay.  The MV's were o.k., but nothing to shout over.  Our Hotel was 4 blocks from the center, that is until the gas AND water mains broke on those blocks.  So now it was 16 blocks to our hotel in the hot July sun- not pleasant.  Also, people in Baltimore were not at all receptive or even polite to the cosplayers- people would routinely scream stuff and call names at anyone in a costume- I saw a Wolfwood almost hit by a car cuz he was carrying the large cross.  Only bright side was the beautiful costumes made by Megann (Trance Kuja and the Silver Dragon) and Yasako (My Yura cos).  That and M2K3K- "Got...Your...Nose..."
The whole weekend was about spontinaity.  This was most definently the best con ever!  Especially with Duel Jewel performing for us twice!  So why do I say spontanaity?  1) Friday night Megann and i snuck into the concert WAY early, so we had a great spot right by the stage (lots of pics).  2) After the concert was over and everyone was being ushered out the back, we decided to go the other direction- backstage!!  We met the band and got pictures with them.  3) Saturday night Megann and Yasako decided to use a now empty artist's table to set up their stuff- with great success.  Not only lots of offers on their work, but a great new friend- Gary!!  They also have decided to set up a table at their next con.  4) Megs n me got on con TV- with the hedgehog!!  Also at this con- autograph session with Duel Jewel, Harry Potter, oddly adoring fans, Chris in kilt, guy who followed me around and gave me a dealers room pass, John and Harry of the J-rock table, and a holy shit-load of merchandise!
Katsucon 9 - 2003, Feb, Crystal City, VA
What a good convention!  It was the return of good costumes, the return of Duel Jewel, and the return to sanity.  This time around, I finally decided it was time to make my own costume- of course it wasn't done till Sat night!  But I wore it all three days anyway.  Megann, Sasha, and Matt P. were part of the same cosplay.  Many pictures taken, much praise on costumes ^_^  Duel Jewel was back in America, and good as ever!  Meg and I decided to stalk the band, and met up with 2 fellow stalkers.  After much time, Sasha ans Matt came looking for us- exactly when the band came out to oblige our wishes for "piku'chas".  They're such nice guys!  Also big on list of weekend happenings: Silent Bob kissing, autographs with Duel Jewel again, promise of job with John and Harry at next A-kon, "Katsu 9.1", Matt and Holly staying with us, digging car out of 2.5' of snow, and sleepovers at Sasha's. 
Webmaster: Satomi_GnT
Copyright 2003, Satomi_GnT
All material is copyright of its respective owners and in no way does Satomi_GnT claim ownership of copyrighted material.  If you wish to use something on this site, please just acknowledge that this was its source.
Project A-kon 14 - 2003, June, Dallas, TX
Agh!  I didn't make it to this one!  And it was the last American appearence of DJ for a looooong time!  So sad -_-;  I heard it was great, though...
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