Gaden Incubator
GADEN Incubator, Provider of Quality Egg Incubators in the Philippines and Worldwide

  Product Review  
  Must Egg Be Turned?

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         Eggs set on their sides must be rotated 1/2 turn at least 3 times daily. Eggs set with the air cell end up should be tilted in the opposite direction 3 times daily. This keeps the embryo centered in the egg and prevents it from sticking to the shell membrane. Yes, during incubation, until within 2 or 3 days of hatching, eggs should be turned at least twice daily. That should produce about 2 chickens from each 3 eggs set. An extraturning each day can raise that about 3%, and another turn may raise that a further 1.5% with each additional turn adding a diminishing improvement. Most auto-turning incubators are set for hourly turning which is in the natural frequency which floats between 20 and 50 turns in each 24 hours. Smaller birds like Quail are more in the 40 - 60 turns, and ratities (including Emu) commonly 10 - 25. Eggs being stored for incubation should preferably be turned 1 or 2 times daily after first 3 days.
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