Gadeva's Galaxy
This is where I can showcase my originality and perhaps unlock my own mystery of life
Click the hearts for pictures of ME and my LOVELY FRIENDS
I'm an eccentric. I love my friends and family (although they can wear down your nerves at times). I'm blunt, I think you can tell when I'm upset if you REALLY know me. I have lots of secrets, I like to keep some stuff between me, God and whoever I committed certain acts with.
What mean da world to me?
ebay... an addiction
Welcome!! A picture of me naked! I bet you never thought you would be so lucky...
Love Test - this was all Michelle and I did our freshman year of HS
Booty Shakers Anonymous
I like to shake the booty... notice how I say "the booty" - it is its own entity and if you've been feelin' on it, you'd know. I'm also a big shopper... i don't care WHAT you're buying, i want in!
MUSINGS: thoughts, words and inspiration
Do you ever notice how when you spend enough time with someone you start picking up their characteristics? things like their catchphrases or even the way they eat their food.... well... my friends and family are a VERY important part of me and who I am. I'd have to have a separate page for each of them. Maybe I will one day. That day has begun ... check out "What mean da world to me".
Pauline's Page
Nicole's Page
Elise's Page
New Year's Eve 2001
Back to School 2003
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