eBay Watches - To buy     or not to buy?
I am frequently asked -- "I see all these high tech watches on eBay for relatively cheap- but is it a risk?"
   The situation for buying watches on eBay is just about the same as buying anything on eBay.
Do your research. The only difference is that there is a big market for watches on eBay and some eBay stores sell only watches, so there is a bigger selection. There are three main things you should check: Details, History, and Questions.

   1. Details. When you read the details of a watch you must check for all errors in the display. If there are no pictures - email them (see #3) and request one. Otherwise, I wouldn't trust it. Also look for if the seller has left out things like if it is full working, needs battery replacement or repair. Also compare description with picture and if they dont match, be suspicious. If possible, compare the watch to other people selling the same item, and read their descriptions to see any major differences. Try to find the year of the watch or the date purchased. If the watch was purchased in 1982, and the image is of a new one, be suspicious as well.
   2. History. One thing you should always check about a seller is their feedback, especially if they mainly sell watches. Even if a person has more good feedback then bad, if he has a big amount of negative responses, stay away. Read some of them to find out the deal on this seller, and you should be able to use your good judgement to see if they were somehonest mistakes or if the seller is a fraud. Be careful.

   3. E-mail. Straight-forward. If you even have the tiniest question about a watch, ask, its the sellers job to answer questions. And if an item seems legit. but there is no picture - definately email and request one, it might just be a good guy without a camera!
   The seller knows if he/she doesn't reply, he might lose a sale. If something's fishy -- ask a question before you give up on the item. The seller might have a legitimate answer!

   In conclusion, I think it is safe and can save you money and can score you a deal by purchasing a high tech watch (or any watch) on eBay
if you're smart about it. Use these tips mixed with your good judgement and bid away!

Note: Author can not be blamed for any loss of money or mistakes made on eBay.
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