Dramoth Gilead




On the western half of the known world lies the continent of Essas. This large landmass covers a month and a half travel east-west and two and a half months travel north-south along the widest points. Being the first inhabited landmass, Essas has the most cities and towns within its interior. Following along the C shaped curve from north to south, the regions and major cities are:
Seiis � An elven walled city upon the southern shore of this region. It is bound by mountains in the northwest, the shore to the south and east, and is on the southern border of Cordera and the eastern border of Tavsere.
Cordera � Built between the forks of the Shandas mountain belt, the elven city of Cordera is a site of great knowledge and exploration, having one of the few universities in the world within its walls. It is bound by Moore to the west, Seiis to the south, and the sea to the north and east.
Moore � A walled human city set in the very far northern point of the country. The terrain around is rocky and unforgiving, but the people of Moore have made it their goal to farm what they can. This region is the north and east border of Tiyris-Neresheim, the west border of Cordera, and has the shore upon its own north border.
Tiyris-Neresheim � A double town. The two small towns share a useful road between Moore and Tavsere, granting them access to their farms (Tiyris) and their mines (Neresheim.) The gnollen forest sits in between these two towns, bordering them both. The region is bound to the northeast by Moore, Tavsere to the south, and the sea to the west.
Tavsere � The greatest of human cities, Tavsere sits upon an island within a small bay. A port city as well as a university city, Tavsere has great arts and knowledge within its walls, plus great merchants and markets. To the east is the shore, the west is the shore, north is Tiyris-Neresheim, and south is Wivverin.
Wivverin � Located within an arid region, Wivverin is a city of triumph and mastery. Artists, herders, and merchants live within the walls of this great city. To the east and west is the sea, to the north is Tavsere, and the south is Canyon.
Canyon � A mountain range sticks up above the sands of the great desert, within the crags and ravines is the Mesan city of Canyon, a refuge in the heat of the desert where many Mesan humans live in. This is bordered on the north by Wivverin and the south by a mountain range separating it and Laredo.
Laredo � Formerly a refuge for the forces of evil, Laredo is the largest of a series of towers that protected the way between the Blasted Lands and the human world. The Blasted Lands since cleansed, Laredo simply stands as a testament to good. To the east is Dragon's Throat, to the south is the Star Plains, the northwest is Canyon, and the north and west is the sea.
Star Plains � Originally the citadel of a great evil, this ancient, dormant volcano has been turned into a spring of mercy, water flowing from its peak to the sea and past Laredo. The south and east are bordered by mountains, the west and southwest bordered by the sea, and the North by Laredo.
Dragon's Throat � A port city that was far too close to the Blasted Lands for comfort. Dragon's Throat rests at the end of one of a series of long inlets. It is bordered on the north by sea, and on all other sides by Laredo and the Scarlet Forest regions.
Scarlet Forest (Suir Relaika) - A large forest at the spot in between the forks of the south mountain. This is the home of the xenophobic elverath, a mysterious and darkened forest where few try to tread. It is bordered on the south and east by sea, the west by mountains, and the north by Dragon's Throat.
Sedurka � Not actually part of the continent, the island nation of Sedurka is still rather close. Almost directly southeast of Tavsere, this archipelago is the ancient home of the tallis race. It consists of several small islands and one large island where the tallis live mainly.
Kiesa � To the east of Sedurka lies the island nation of Kiesa, a small group of islands abandoned a while back by humans, and only recently re-inhabited. It is a healthy, fertile land, and has almost a magical quality to it.


Only recently discovered, the island of Relay is another of the continents where the humans have decided to take refuge. East-west it is about a month's journey, as it is from north to south. There aren't as many cities on this island, but there are some ancient ones that have been forgotten by the Essan humans and elves. From north to south, the regions are:
Suir Draoma (Forest of Empty Dreams) � A large forest where many get lost and die. This huge forest has an ancient elven fortress deep within. To the north of the forest is a small ridge of mountains, with a pass between. An orcish fortress lay within the ridge. It is bordered on the east by Encea, the south by Freeholm, and the north and west by the sea.
Encea � Only recently built, this small port town is the human's first refuge in this untamed continent. A road leads to the city of Freeholm to the east. To the north is the sea, to the south is the sea, and remarkably, to the west is more sea.
Freeholm � A trade bastion within a large, open plain. Freeholm was built recently as a link to the ancient city of Perdamas and the new port of Encea, granting access to the art and goods that the half-elven city grants. To the north is Suir Draoma, to the west is Encea, to the south is Mesa, and the east is the sea.
Mesa � Separated from the rest of the land by a mountain range, Mesa is a huge desert and the land where the ancient Mesan people originated. The desert is bound by mountains to the northeast, the region of Perdamas to the east, and the sea to the south and the west.
Perdamas � An ancient bastion of half-elven civilization, the city of Perdamas lay on the eastern shore of this area. It is too far from other ports to make a useful trade hub, and the fact that the south has a large number of pirate islands makes it bad, too. There is a university here, though. It is bound by sea to the east and south, Mesa to the west, and Freeholm to the north.


A largely uninhabitable landscape, the island of Daikteri sticks out like a knife into the ocean beyond. No sane man lives within this untamed wilderness. It spans about two months journey northeast-southwest, and a little more than a week northwest-southeast at its largest points. From northeast to southwest, the regions are:
Deep Darkness � A huge jungle, untamed, wild, and forbidding. There are tribes of wild men within, and a rare civilized society, but aside from tales of these people, few have been seen. The north, east, and west borders are all sea, but the south is the Wild Haunt region.
Wild Haunt � Spanning the interior of the island of Daikteri, the Wild Haunt is a stretch of flat, inarable landscape. The Wild Haunt is rocky and mostly dead, aside from a fertile strip along the river, but the foothills nearby are too steep to do much with. To the north is Deep Darkness, to the south is the Water Gardens, and to the east and west are sea.
Water Gardens � Yet another inarable landscape, the water gardens are crisscrossed by rivers, large, deep lakes, and swamps. This region is uninhabited, except by wizards who enjoy the region and the naiad population who lives within the deep lakes. It is bordered to the east by the Wild Haunt, to the south by mountains, and to the north and west by sea.



Just like humans on all other worlds. Various different races, various different sizes. They've got a variety of different types and features that make them unique among the races.

There are four regions humans come from. Moore, Tavsere, Wivverin, and Mesa. Moorian humans are similar to Scandinavians on earth; tall, strong, fair. Tavserians are similar to the Europeans; varied. Wivverin are similar to the Arabs; dark skin, dark hair, dark eyes. Mesan are unique, having white hair, gold eyes, and tanned skin. They also have the ability to locate their position in relation to their home in either Mesa or Canyon.

There are also Freeworlders, who are the most varied in their genetic variance. They can have any light to dark skin, light to dark hair, and light to dark eyes. They live all over the world, and do not call any one region their home.

Human magical skills are very varied, but they are not as strong as other races. They only receive their magical abilities from their ancestors who happened to be elves or other magic races.

Humans are very glad to have children with other races, seeing the genetic variance as a good thing - adding some culture and variety to their family. They most often have children with elves, but also orcs, tallis, and on some occasions, demi-humans.

The culture of humans is as varied as their races. Depending on their specific group, they may have entirely different architecture, music, art, theater, and literature.


An offshoot of the human population. The Diamerok were a race created by magic. Their bodies were almost fully dependent upon this energy source. They were among the greatest of mages in the world, and had the extraordinary ability to not need food, water, and rest so long as they cast some form of magic during the day. They had light hair, dark eyes, and light skin. Unfortunately, the majority of the race was wiped out, save for one half-Diamerok and his daughters.


Elves are similar to elves in other worlds, although there is only two different types of elves; High or N�n. High elves are your typical elf; light hair, light skin, blue eyes. They are very religious and magical. N�n elves have darker skin, usually black hair, and green eyes. They are architects and workers.

Elves naturally come from the Seiis and Cordera regions, but they can live in any other town.

Magic is a beautiful thing when spun from an elf's hands. They are born with the abilities innately, and tend to show it off to other races.

Elves only really tend to have children with other elves or humans. High elves are strict about their race, and do not like spreading outside of other high elves. N�n elves do not mind having children with high elves or humans.

High elven culture is very strongly rooted in their religion. Their music is hymnal, their art reflects the creators, and their architecture looks similar to their cathedrals. N�n elves are a fair bit more earthly and historical. Music is folk songs, art is historical, and their architecture resembles trees and rocks.


The elverath are an offshoot of the N�n elves who have taken to living in solitude in the forest in the south of Essas or the northern tip of Daikteri. They are highly xenophobic, keeping their culture and their ways to themselves. The elverath are taller than the other elven races, standing about 5'5 to 5'11, with women at a slightly smaller 5'4 to 5'10. They have dark skin, a deep, rusty brown color. Their hair is varieties of green, from pure dark green to a slightly bluish green. Their eyes are white colored. The element that is innate to their race is darkness.

Demonic Elves

Demonic elves came about by elves misusing their magic. Instead of revering and keeping the balance of magic, they used it for their own power. This twisted these elves into a dark embodiment of themselves. They look similar to elves, but with black, scaly skin, large, blind eyes, and claws on their hands and feet where fingers and toes would be. Their legs are bent backwards like an animal's, and their ears are sharp and longer than elves. Their innate element is evil.


Tallis are a short, slender draconic race with prehensile tails. They stand shorter than humans, and have green, bluish, or brownish scales, and black, grey, or white hair. They have earflaps they can shut to cut out sounds.

The tallis race resides on the archipelago of Sedurka.

Tallis are blessed of the dragon elders. They are the only race that knows the ways of the Torgaruna, warrior-priests who protect the elders. They are masters of the spear, and know arts specifically for the weapon, plus various seals that the dragon elders use as magic spells.

Tallis usually only mate with other tallis or demi-humans, although the rare tallis will find a human or elf and have a child with them.

Tallis have a very technologically savvy culture. Although it is not in the level of even guns, they are far more technologically inclined than the other races.


Tallis who abuse magic become hedrigrae. Although this race never truly becomes lost, due to their intelligence (they know when to stop,) they still look very different than the tallis. Hedrigrae are the same shape and height and weight as tallis, but have bony projections on their bodies, usually covering joints, but sometimes on parts of their faces. They have harder scales than the tallis as well, and the end of their tails is turned into a hooked appendage. The hedrigrae's innate element is earth.


Orcs are nomadic, proud peoples. They are taller than humans, and have brownish skin, dark hair, and yellow or orange eyes. They are not warlike and stupid like other orcish races, rather they are much more noble and proud.

Orcish magic is very much linked to the planet, as a shamanic society, they follow the rules and teachings of their shaman, revering the planet and listening to it.

Orcs rarely mate with any race besides other orcs, sometimes ogres, trolls, or rarely humans.

Orcish culture is based around their free-spirits. Shamans are the center of their society.

Reaver Orcs

When an orcish half-breed is born, there is a chance that the child will not be born sane. These insanely wicked orcish children are called reavers. A reaver stands about 8 feet tall, they are hairless, and their eyes are pure red. Males and females both can be reavers, but the female reavers tend to die before they reach adulthood. Reavers are ferocious, violent, and stupid, unable to discern friend from foe, they are as dangerous to the orcs as they are to other races. Their innate element is fire.

Created Races


Demi-humans were created back when the world was technologically superior to that of planet Earth. They genetically modified humans and gave them animalistic qualities. There are many different sort of demi-humans, although canine and feline are the most common.

The demi-humans are the only race who knows the ability of summoning. This was granted to them by Creation, as she had pity on this young race, and knew they were birthed of science and not magic.

Demi-humans mate most often with humans. They also mate with elves and tallis. Any child of these unions produces a demi-human with characteristics of both parents. They can appear very similar to their demi-human parent, or look almost completely humanoid (or tallis) with only a few animal qualities to them.

Demi-humans have a culture filled with tradition. They know about their unnatural creation, and teach their children the lessons of their past. They are also renowned at certain technological feats, similar to the tallis race.


The Remnant are similar to the demi-humans in that they are humans with animal characteristics. However, the Remnant were not created by technological means, instead, they were made through magical means. This leaves them with a much stronger link to their animal, and can give them qualities surpassing the demi-humans. They were originally created for the purpose of being soldiers, but due to the way their genetics worked, they are too unpredictable to make a good fighter. Two snake remnants could be made, and while one could have poisonous fangs, the other could just have scales. This variance makes it impossible to make an army of these beings.

Natural Races


Gnollen are the combination of gnoll and demi-human genetics, forming small, hyena-like creatures who are tribal in nature.

There are two types of gnollen; forest and mountain. Forest gnollen live in the forests and gather, hunt, and farm in them. They often become simple warriors, archers, or the Shadowslayer - of which there is only one at a time. Mountain gnollen live in the mountains, and become artisans or gain a griffon companion and become wing-riders.

Gnollen magic is rare, only the Shadowslayer knows any form of actual magic. The gnollen race is much more ready to use their paws for hard work than to rely on a mystical process.

Gnollen only mate with other gnollen. They are too small to mate easily with the other races, and as they are paired off when they are born, anyway, they never get the chance to find a new mate.

Gnollen culture is unique, depending on which specific type they are, they have any number of different culture types. Forest gnollen work trees into totems and symbols, and can bend wood and fiber into various different shapes. Mountain gnollen carve stone into their own totems and symbols, and artisans can bend metal into what they want it to do.


The elements are set into 5 different categories; Light Natural, Dark Natural, Light Ordinal, Dark Ordinal, and Absolute.

The elements (and their elementals) under Light Natural are Ice (Everfrost,) Wind (Siren,) Nature (Dryad,) and Water (Nymph.) Ice represents snow, ice, cold, and wisdom. Wind represents wind, weather, freedom, and chaos. Nature represents plants, trees, healing, and creatures. Water represents water, storms, the sea, and cultures.

The elements under Dark Natural are Thunder (Storn,) Earth (Golem,) Desolation (Melix,) and Fire (Inferno.) Thunder represents electricity, sound, power, and force. Earth represents rocks, mountains, the planet, and strength. Desolation represents sand, deserts, traveling, and survival. Fire represents fire, heat, lava, and war.

The elements under Light Ordinal are Light (Lumina,) Sun (Sol,) Star (Stella,) and Dream (Espera.) Light represents light, crystals, peace, and protection. Sun represents the sun, time, day, and creation. Star represents stars, the cosmos, direction, and navigation. Dream represents sleep, dreams, nightmares, and comfort.

The elements under Dark Ordinal are Darkness (Shade,) Moon (Luna,) Void (Nihil,) and Fate (Fatum.) Darkness represents shadows, mirrors, mystery, and glass. Moon represents the moons, insanity, destruction, and oracles. Void represents dimensions, portals, gravity, and nothingness. Fate represents fate, luck, the future, and inevitability.

The elements under Absolute are Life (Merihe,) Holy (Holy,) Death (Kharak,) and Infernal (Tiscahn.) Life represents life, birth, age, and family. Holy represents goodness, revitalization, holiness, and sanctity. Death represents death, seasons, cycles, and control. Infernal represents blasphemy, undeath, evilness, and hatred.

Depending on their specific place of birth, race, or area of study, there can be any number of different names for the type of magician a person becomes.


The basic magician. Can be any race and from anywhere. They cast magic spells of various elements, but are restricted from casting Absolute elements. They can cast various magical spells of every other element, though, and are often times the most powerful wizards in the land.


A runewarden is a magician that casts through the aid of runic inscriptions. Most of these inscriptions are for temporary enchantments, but there are those that can actually cast physical damage spells. THe most common use of a rune is to set up a trap for oncoming opponents.


Priests are the only magician who casts from the elements of Holy and Infernal by giving up the ability to cast all others. Holy magics are used by good priests, Infernal by evil. Holy priests tend to have very powerful magicks against undead and unnatural beings. Infernal priests tend to summon swarms of undead or demons to their aid.


A barkshaper is an elven mage who is completely intune with the natural order of the world. He summons and raises plants and can cause the wood and branches to twist into whatever form he desires. This is not direction commanding, but rather a complete relationship with the essence of nature.


Druidic elves are controllers of nature different from Barkshapers. Where Barkshapers command and relate with trees, Druids command and relate with the living world. They can command animals, and in some cases transform themselves into the same animals they control. Dark druids know spells to summon swarms of insects or vermin.


A tallis torgaruna is a guardian of the dragon elders. They use seal magics depending on the elements of the eight dragons they worship (Wind/Linna, Earth/Kolis, Water/Hydrocus, Fire/Kasius, Light/Inaru, Darkness/Dimengo, Life/Teressa, and Death/Verosh.) Seals are flashy, often causing damage in a specific area, but cannot be targeted like magic spells.


A shaman is a powerful orcish warrior who embraces one of the five main spirit elements (Wind, Water, Earth, Fire, Void) and uses the power and magic of that spirit to enhance his strengths. They do not cast magic, rather they use the magic to empower their own weaponry and bodies.


Summoners are very powerful demi-humans who have learned the ability to call upon the guardians of the elements. The guardians are much weaker versions of the elemental lords, but still can be quite devastating in battle. Most summoners choose to simply call upon one or two guardians, developing a strong relationship with them.

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