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Global Anti-Imperialism Grassroots Islamic Organization Global Anti-Imperialism Grassroots Islamic Organization

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Welcome Dear Visitors,

This website's purpose will be to outline and address before the entire world the injustices suffered by the Muslim World under the Western Countries' desire to take advantage of and oppress the Muslim masses. This subject will be presented with the dominant view emanating from the grassroots Islamic perspective in the Muslim world. This website supports and encourages efforts from the Muslim world to achieve greater independence from the West while propagating more interdependence between Muslim countries to further Islamic interests in the Muslim world. We are for the establishment of Islamic rule and Islamic law in Muslim majority countries as presented by the Quran, the Islamic book of Allah, and the Hadith, which are the teachings and quotations of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, Peace be to Him, who we respect and revere as our best model and the founder of our nation. This website will recieve articles from authors who are interested in publishing their articles on this website. We welcome all requests to add articles to our website. These articles shall be reviewed by one of the organizers for this website, and then a response will be sent to the requesting party. E-mail for Gai-Gi-O: gaigio [at] gmail.com

GAI-GI-O: Committed to the Global Islamic Solidarity Movement, Representing the Voice of the Downtrodden Muslim Masses

Latest Updates:

1/13/09 - New statement about "Our Statement Denouncing Israel's Genocide in Gaza" added to the statements section.

9/17/08 - New statement about "Our Statement Denouncing America's Attempted Invasion into Pakistani Territory" added to the statements section.

7/25/08 - New article about "Treatise for the Alleviation of the ills effecting Modern Muslim Societies" added to the articles section

4/22/08 - New article about "Evaluation of the lack of Muslim Power in the Modern Era" added to the articles section

4/7/08 - New article about "Racism in the Modern Islamic world is a Problem" added to the articles section

3/26/08 - New article about "The Importance of learning Modern Muslim history" added to the articles section.

2/27/08 - New statement about "Our Statement concerning Solidarity with the Independence of Kosova" added to the statements section.

2/24/08 - New article about "The Inevitability of Muslim Unity" added to the articles section.

2/16/08 - New article about "Sufism and its Place in Islam" added to the articles section.

1/28/08 - New article about "Mourning for the Muslim Victims" added to the articles section.

1/24/08 - New article about "Correction of the Misguided Belief of a Minority" added to the articles section.

1/23/08 - New article about "The Muslims' Predicament in the 21st Century" added to the articles section.

1/17/08 - New article about "Present Political Reality of the Muslims of India with an Analysis of the Past" added to the articles section.

10/08/07 - New article about "A Plea for Peace from under the Bombs and inside the Cells" added to the articles section.

10/08/07 - New article about "The Regrettable lack of Brotherhood and Islamic Values in some sections of the Muslim Populace" added to the articles section.

9/27/07 - New article about "Chronicle of Muslims' history in India under British rule" added to the articles section.

9/27/07 - New article about "Most Important Issue Facing the World Today: Zionism" added to the articles section.

1/31/07 - New article about "A moment's glance at the Muslim situation" added to the articles section.

1/10/07 - New article about "The Spirit of Resistance in Islam" added to the articles section.

12/31/06 - New statement about "The Execution of Former President Saddam Hussein" added to the statements section.

7/24/06 - New statement about "Israel's Invasion into Lebanon and Gaza" added to the statements section.

6/7/06 - New article about "Understanding Islam: The Five Pillars of Islam" added to the articles section.

5/26/06 - New article about "Sincere Advice to the People of the West" added to the articles section.

5/21/06 - New article about "What Westerners can do to help Islamic causes" added to the articles section.

2/9/06 - New statement about "Blasphemous Cartoons" added to the statements section.

10/16/05 - New statement about "Earthquake Aid to Pakistan" added to the statements section.

Copyright� 2005 GAI-GI-O, Global Anti-Imperialism Grassroots Islamic Organization. All rights reserved. No material on this site may be used without the written consent of GAI-GI-O.
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