Dog obedience equipment

I am contacting you because you have consistently been suggested as a knowledgeable resource by trainers and law enforcement officers in my area. dog obedience equipment Dogs-breeds. Also, I have received your video catalog in the past and been very impressed with its quality. Here is the background to my question: In 1997 I was aggressively stalked by a man I had formerly dated. I pursued all appropriate actions through my local police and through the courts (restraining order) at that time. dog obedience equipment Akita puppies. My local police (Berkeley, California) were extremely helpful but very frank about the limits of their ability to protect me. I was surprise-attacked by the stalker on my property, fended him off, and at that point I left the area for a period of time on the advice of the police. The assailant disappeared from the area and his whereabouts remained unknown until a week ago. dog obedience equipment Abused dog behavior. He has surprise-approached me once, and though he has made no physical or verbal threats at this point, I am taking the situation very seriously, as are my local police. The Berkeley Police Department has no canine unit, but one of the officers has had some experience with protection dogs during his military career. He suggested that a properly trained "defensive or deterrent" dog might be an option to consider. I contacted a trainer in the area who specializes in training protection dogs and he was skeptical - his opinion was that any dog, including a retired hunter or herder, would be as much of a deterrent as a trained protection dog. I have more than 32 years experience working pastoral and hunting dogs, but I know nothing about working with a dog for personal protection. I would not take this step lightly, as I would consider any dog enlisted for this purpose to be a working partner, a companion, and a lifetime committment - as I would any working canine. Also, I expect that I would need substantial training in order to handle the dog properly, and I wonder what length of time that might take. Any advice you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Again, if this request merits a paid consultation, please let me know how to best contact you by telephone and we can proceed on that basis. Thank you,Name has been withheld for obvious reasons. ANSWER:I do not agree with your local trainer. My gut feeling is that this individual is not as good a trainer as he would lead people to believe. He probably realizes that you really do need a dog that will work and does not like the responsibility that goes with your needs. I do think that a well trained dog could become part of a security plan. It should not be the entire program. I would suggest a dog, a gun and pepper gas. I would talk to the police about a concealed carry permit and then find a police officer that is a certified law enforcement trainer to teach you how to shoot. You also need training in deadly force (when you can and cannot shoot). This is important.

Dog obedience equipment

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