�In My Sleep�

A place where only I can be
A place for only you and me
Where everyone can get along
Where you want to be forever long
You get a warm feeling deep inside
All the rules you abide

If only the world could be this good
And people didn�t have to hide under their hoods
If only the children were taught "forget the hate"
Instead of used like defenseless bait
If only the world would come to terms
Then maybe hate would stop spreading like evil germs
As I sit here and wonder
   I wonder if it's just a game
Whatever it is
   It's not just teenage years
It's more than that
   It's like a saga
Nothing makes sense
   Nothing adds up
Everything's chaotic
   Everything's a blur
A blur in my mind
   Like an ink smear
It's like everyone's against each other
   No one's a team
And without a team
   No one wins
I know it's not a fariy tale
   'Cuz if it is, my fairy Godmother's late
It has to be real
   It has to be life

Once again, I wake up to my heart racing, the moist sweat on my forehead...
I think I'm doing fine, but reality checks like these put me in place.
These dreams are like nightmares, the bad thing is, they're very similar to life:

I hurt.  I am in pain.  I am scarred.
Your lies, your truths, your feelings...
What was ever real to you?
Why did you keep lying?
Why did you say you cared?
Why did you say you loved me?

You said you wanted to be there for me this time
  and that you wouldn't push me away...
Then how come you could care less if I'm upset, confused, hurt,
  about everything? (not just you!)
You went from missing me (loving me?)
  to wishing I was out of your life completely...

I told you that you still had my delicate heart in your hands
  whether I wanted you to or not...
I asked you to be gentle -
  you threw it down and stomped on it 'til it was dead

I know I don't need you now.
But for some reason my heart won't listen!
All you bring to my life now is more hurt and pain,
  more confusion about things you've said in the past...
It's funny how the only ex of mine you liked
  was the one who hadn't treated me badly,
Yet, in the past 4-6 weeks, you've hurt me more than
  any guy who's ever cheated on me.
I don't need that, I don't need you.

Why won't my body listen???
It tries to retaliate by shaking, dreaming, sometimes even missing you...
I know I loved you, but I guess it wasn't good enough...
I hope that you won't end up spiting me or the time or things we've done together
I wish we could be friends, but I guess you just need some time alone...
I wrote this my freshmen year of high school as an assignment:
I wrote this during a rough time in middle school:
I wrote this the while I was trying to get over
an ex of mine (after a bad break-up):
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