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Welcome to Gal's Avatars Page, your source for graphics icons of your desired artist(s). This site has been operating since August 2005, with more and new graphic samples as requested by my fellow Requestors will be displayed on the main page from time to time. This site has no association of any kind to any of the artist(s) or their recording companies and made absolutely no money or profit of any sort. Questions, feedbacks and/or comments are always welcome and appreciated. Thank you.

Latest Update : 15-05-2007
Image hosting by Photobucket
To request for an avatar, pls include the following :
Pictures [if any]
Words [if any]
Max bytes/sizes required [in some forum board]
Your email address [where I can send the link to]
Subj matter = "Request:Avatars"
[or for banners/fanlisting buttons]
Your online screen-name ID [for my note-keeping]

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Here are samples of some latest icons i've made and please kindly inform me if you are interested to use any of them :

D01. D03.
S01. S03.
[click here for more]

please give credits if you are using any of the above avatars to : Gal's Avatars Page [unless its stated that the avatars belong to other Requestors]
please DO NOT edit, redesigning or redistribute any of the above avatars as your own
NO hotlink please
your comments, reviews and even critics are highly appreciated and you can do so at the shout-out box on the left or email me. thanks in advance.

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