CVO software
Skychart V3. Excellent planetarium software with telescope control. What makes this such a awesome program? IT'S FREE! Click on the picture for a link to the Skychart website.
I use this now more than i do Starry night. Its not that I don't like SN.
Meade Envisage with drizzle technology. This is the software that comes with the DSI for capturing your images. You can use this for the LPI and multiple DSI's.
Starry Night Pro. Perhaps the best out of all of the planetarium software on the market. SN will also control a multitude of telescope mounts.
PixInsight LE. Great program for gradient removal. Use the Dynamic Background Extraction function and your gray background will turn black. It's also FREE!   Click on pic.
Adobe Photoshop 7.0. Do I need to say more? Once you've taken that four hour image you need software to get that picture to look like it came straight down from Hubble. APHS is the only program that will do that. It a little tedious at first but it doesn't take long to get used to it.
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