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F.U.E.L: Public Relations Event 2nd Sem A.Y. 2008-2009

The Team Public Relations Event is the instigator of the UP Junior Marketing Association's event of promoting thrust of service while continually improving the organization's image as one of the best student organizations.The PR Event is a bi-annual affair that aims to continually improve UP JMA's image. Two Special Olympics, literacy campaign/book drive, livelihood seminar, blood drive and medical mission, Gawad Kalinga mega builds, and a program for cancer patients are just a few of the different programs that were conducted by the organization in their dedication to serve the public.

This semester, the directors of this event has decided to expand UP JMA's horizons in empowering the youth. The PR Event for this semester was entitled FUEL: Focused, Unparalleled, Empowered Leaders,An Inter-High School Marketing Seminar" which was held at the College of Science, University of the Philippines Diliman last January 31, 2009.

Five schools participated in the event where they learned about leadership, project management and sponsorship marketing. After the talks, a simulation was conducted where each schools were asked to conceptualize their own projects in which they were tasked to present its base plan, financial, marketing, logistics and publicty and promotions plan.

Headings and Posters are made by Chris Palma,Team PR Event Publicity Officer.
This website is made by Kristine Galang, Team PR Event Marketing Officer as one of the requirements for Journ 122: Publication, Design and Layout under Sir Danny Arao. Best viewed in Firefox

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