Welcome to my newest invention boys. I think you'll like it. I'm sure at one time or another, you've all said to yourself "Self... I wonder how I would have been doing this week if I wasn't facing Team X. I'm losing 10-5, but I'm just so darn unlucky not to be facing a team that doing shitty, like Ponti... er, Team Y. So, now that I'm about to graduate from engineering and will be making money like you've never seen, I thought I would put my Grade D Concordia Engineering education towards a little project that would benefit us all in our happy baseball pool. Say hello to the Fantasy Baseball Stat Comparison Java Applet. I have programmed it to calculate the scores we would have gotten against every possible opponent. Now Saki can see how in week 2, he lost 10-6 to Nick, but would have beaten everyone else. Sucker! Also, in case you hadn't noticed before, this helpful little app will make choosing my team of the week all the more easier. I have posted a little pic of it if you all would like to see what it looks like. Although it is possible to post it on a webpage, as I was originally planning to do, I can't seem to get it going. I'm think Geocities doesn't allow embedding Java Applets. Bastards! Anyway, I don't think you guys would have much use for it except to play around. I'll see what I can do about it anyway though.

Spitball Artists:
Lose to Raccoons -> 3-15
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 5-11
Lose to Willis -> 2-15
Lose to Foul Balls -> 2-13
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 7-9
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 7-8
Lose to North Stars -> 4-12

Raccoon City Raccoons:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 15-3
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 12-5
Lose to Willis -> 7-9
Beat Foul Balls -> 10-7
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 11-6
Beat PS Wankstas -> 15-0
Beat North Stars -> 13-3
Pontiac Pride:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 11-5
Lose to Raccoons -> 5-12
Lose to Willis -> 1-13
Lose to Foul Balls -> 5-12
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 8-9
Beat PS Wankstas -> 12-4
Beat North Stars -> 10-6

Team Willis Inc:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 15-2
Beat Raccoons -> 9-7
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 13-1
Beat Foul Balls -> 9-7
Tie with Yankee Doodle -> 8-8
Beat PS Wankstas -> 15-1
Beat North Stars -> 14-4
Foul Balls:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 13-2
Lose to Raccoons -> 7-10
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 12-5
Lose to Willis -> 7-9
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 12-5
Beat PS Wankstas -> 13-3
Beat North Stars -> 10-5

Yankee Doodle:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 9-7
Lose to Raccoons -> 6-11
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 9-8
Tie with Willis -> 8-8
Lose to Foul Balls -> 5-12
Beat PS Wankstas -> 8-6
Beat North Stars -> 9-7
Porn Star Wankstas:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 8-7
Lose to Raccoons -> 0-15
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 4-12
Lose to  Willis -> 1-15
Lose to Foul Balls -> 3-13
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 6-8
Lose to North Stars -> 5-10

North Stars:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 12-4
Lose to Raccoons -> 3-13
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 6-10
Lose to Willis -> 4-14
Lose to Foul Balls -> 5-10
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 7-9
Beat PS Wankstas -> 10-5

Spitball Artists:
Lose to Raccoons -> 7-9
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 7-9
Tie with Willis -> 8-8
Beat Foul Balls -> 11-6
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 14-3
Beat PS Wankstas -> 10-7
Lose to North Stars -> 6-10

Raccoon City Raccoons:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 9-7
Tie with Pontiac Pride -> 8-8
Beat Willis -> 8-8
Beat Foul Balls -> 13-4
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 17-0
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 7-9
Lose to North Stars -> 7-9
Pontiac Pride:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 9-7
Tie with Raccoons -> 8-8
Tie with Willis -> 8-8
Beat Foul Balls -> 10-4
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 13-2
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 7-10
Lose to North Stars -> 7-9

Team Willis Inc:
Tie with Spitball Artists -> 8-8
Lose to Raccoons -> 7-8
Tie with Pontiac Pride -> 8-8
Beat Foul Balls -> 13-4
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 16-0
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 6-11
Lose to North Stars -> 7-8
Foul Balls:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 6-11
Lose to Raccoons -> 4-13
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 4-10
Lose to Willis -> 4-13
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 11-2
Lose to Wankstas -> 5-11
Lose to North Stars -> 5-11

Yankee Doodle:
Lose to Spitball Artists ->3-14
Lose to Raccoons -> 0-17
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 2-13
Lose to Willis -> 0-16
Lose to Foul Balls -> 2-11
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 2-13
Lose to North Stars -> 0-16
Porn Star Wankstas:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 7-10
Beat Raccoons -> 9-7
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 10-7
Beat Willis -> 11-6
Beat Foul Balls -> 11-5
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 13-2
Lose to North Stars -> 6-10

North Stars:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 10-6
Beat Raccoons -> 9-7
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 9-7
Beat Willis -> 8-7
Beat Foul Balls -> 11-5
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 16-0
Beat PS Wankstas -> 10-6

Spitball Artists:
Beat Raccoons -> 9-7
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 14-4
Beat Willis -> 11-6
Lose to Foul Balls -> 6-10
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 11-6
Beat PS Wankstas -> 12-4
Beat North Stars -> 9-7

Raccoon City Raccoons:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 7-9
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 10-7
Beat Willis -> 9-7
Lose to Foul Balls -> 5-12
Tie with Yankee Doodle -> 8-8
Beat PS Wankstas -> 12-5
Lose to North Stars -> 7-10
Pontiac Pride:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 4-14
Lose to Raccoons -> 7-10
Lose to Willis -> 7-9
Lose to Foul Balls -> 2-15
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 7-11
Beat PS Wankstas -> 10-8
Lose to North Stars -> 6-11

Team Willis Inc:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 6-11
Lose to Raccoons -> 7-9
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 9-7
Lose to Foul Balls -> 5-13
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 8-10
Beat PS Wankstas -> 10-8
Lose to North Stars -> 7-10
Foul Balls:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 10-6
Beat Raccoons -> 12-5
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 15-2
Beat Willis -> 13-5
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 12-3
Beat PS Wankstas -> 14-2
Beat North Stars -> 12-4

Yankee Doodle:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 6-11
Tie with Raccoons -> 8-8
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 11-7
Beat Willis -> 10-8
Lose to Foul Balls -> 3-12
Beat PS Wankstas -> 10-6
Lose to North Stars -> 7-10
Porn Star Wankstas:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 4-12
Lose to Raccoons -> 5-12
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 8-10
Lose to Willis -> 8-10
Lose to Foul Balls -> 2-14
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 6-10
Lose to North Stars -> 3-13

North Stars:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 7-9
Beat Raccoons -> 10-7
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 11-6
Beat Willis -> 10-7
Lose to Foul Balls -> 4-12
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 10-7
Beat PS Wankstas -> 13-3

Spitball Artists:
Beat Raccoons -> 11-7
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 12-6
Beat Willis -> 8-7
Lose to Foul Balls -> 7-10
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 11-7
Beat PS Wankstas -> 9-7
Beat North Stars -> 13-4

Raccoon City Raccoons:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 7-11
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 13-5
Beat Willis -> 9-7
Lose to Foul Balls -> 7-10
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 8-9
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 8-9
Beat North Stars -> 12-5
Pontiac Pride:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 6-12
Lose to Raccoons -> 5-13
Lose to Willis -> 6-10
Lose to Foul Balls -> 6-10
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 6-10
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 7-9
Beat North Stars -> 9-8

Team Willis Inc:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 7-8
Lose to Raccoons -> 7-9
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 10-6
Tie with Foul Balls -> 9-9
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 10-6
Beat PS Wankstas -> 12-5
Beat North Stars -> 11-7
Foul Balls:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 10-7
Beat Raccoons -> 10-7
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 10-6
Tie with Willis -> 9-9
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 9-6
Beat PS Wankstas -> 12-3
Beat North Stars -> 10-5

Yankee Doodle:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 7-11
Beat Raccoons -> 9-8
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 10-6
Lose to Willis -> 6-10
Lose to Foul Balls -> 6-9
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 6-9
Beat North Stars -> 8-6
Porn Star Wankstas:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 7-9
Beat Raccoons -> 9-8
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 9-7
Lose to Willis -> 5-12
Lose to Foul Balls -> 3-12
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 9-6
Beat North Stars -> 9-7

North Stars:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 4-13
Lose to Raccoons -> 5-12
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 8-9
Lose to Willis -> 7-11
Lose to Foul Balls -> 5-10
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 6-8
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 7-9

Spitball Artists:
Beat Raccoons -> 11-7
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 7-11
Beat Willis -> 12-5
Lose to Foul Balls -> 7-10
Tie with Yankee Doodle -> 8-8
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 6-11
Beat North Stars -> 10-7

Raccoon City Raccoons:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 7-11
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 6-10
Beat Willis -> 9-8
Lose to Foul Balls -> 8-9
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 5-12
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 6-11
Beat North Stars -> 9-8
Pontiac Pride:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 11-7
Beat Raccoons -> 10-6
Beat Willis -> 13-3
Lose to Foul Balls -> 8-9
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 7-8
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 8-9
Beat North Stars -> 10-4

Team Willis Inc:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 5-12
Lose to Raccoons -> 8-9
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 3-13
Lose to Foul Balls -> 5-11
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 7-10
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 6-11
Beat North Stars -> 9-6
Foul Balls:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 10-7
Beat Raccoons -> 9-8
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 9-8
Beat Willis -> 11-5
Tie with Yankee Doodle -> 8-8
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 6-11
Beat North Stars -> 12-4

Yankee Doodle:
Tie with Spitball Artists -> 8-8
Beat Raccoons -> 12-5
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 8-7
Beat Willis -> 10-7
Tie with Foul Balls -> 8-8
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 7-11
Beat North Stars -> 13-2
Porn Star Wankstas:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 11-6
Beat Raccoons -> 11-6
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 9-8
Beat Willis -> 11-6
Beat Foul Balls -> 11-6
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 11-7
Beat North Stars -> 10-6

North Stars:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 7-10
Lose to Raccoons -> 8-9
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 4-10
Lose to Willis -> 6-9
Lose to Foul Balls -> 4-12
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 2-13
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 6-10

Spitball Artists:
Beat Raccoons -> 8-7
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 11-6
Beat Willis -> 13-4
Tie with Foul Balls -> 7-7
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 13-1
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 2-13
Beat North Stars -> 13-4

Raccoon City Raccoons:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 7-8
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 9-7
Beat Willis -> 14-3
Beat Foul Balls -> 9-6
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 14-2
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 4-13
Beat North Stars -> 12-5
Pontiac Pride:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 6-11
Lose to Raccoons -> 7-9
Beat Willis -> 12-4
Lose to Foul Balls -> 4-11
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 11-6
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 5-12
Beat North Stars -> 8-7

Team Willis Inc:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 4-13
Lose to Raccoons -> 3-14
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 4-12
Lose to Foul Balls -> 2-14
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 5-10
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 1-17
Lose to North Stars -> 5-12
Foul Balls:
Tie with Spitball Artists -> 7-7
Lose to Raccoons -> 6-9
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 11-4
Beat Willis -> 14-2
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 12-2
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 5-11
Beat North Stars -> 11-6

Yankee Doodle:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 1-13
Lose to Raccoons -> 2-14
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 6-11
Beat Willis -> 10-5
Lose to Foul Balls -> 2-12
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 3-14
Lose to North Stars -> 8-9
Porn Star Wankstas:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 13-2
Beat Raccoons -> 13-4
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 12-5
Beat Willis -> 17-1
Beat Foul Balls -> 11-5
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 14-3
Beat North Stars -> 17-0

North Stars:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 4-13
Lose to Raccoons -> 5-12
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 7-8
Beat Willis -> 12-5
Lose to Foul Balls -> 6-11
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 9-8
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 0-17

Spitball Artists:
Tie with Raccoons -> 8-8
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 9-7
Beat Willis -> 9-6
Lose to Foul Balls -> 4-14
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 6-10
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 3-14
Beat North Stars -> 10-8

Raccoon City Raccoons:
Tie with Spitball Artists -> 8-8
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 10-5
Beat Willis -> 13-3
Lose to Foul Balls -> 3-14
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 6-10
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 6-12
Beat North Stars -> 11-5
Pontiac Pride:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 7-9
Lose to Raccoons -> 5-10
Beat Willis -> 11-4
Lose to Foul Balls -> 3-14
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 7-8
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 4-11
Beat North Stars -> 8-7

Team Willis Inc:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 6-9
Lose to Raccoons -> 3-13
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 4-11
Lose to Foul Balls -> 2-16
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 4-11
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 4-14
Tie with North Stars -> 8-8
Foul Balls:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 14-4
Beat Raccoons -> 14-3
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 14-3
Beat Willis -> 16-2
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 15-2
Beat PS Wankstas -> 9-8
Beat North Stars -> 14-3

Yankee Doodle:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 10-6
Beat Raccoons -> 10-6
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 8-7
Beat Willis -> 11-4
Lose to Foul Balls -> 2-15
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 4-14
Beat North Stars -> 9-6
Porn Star Wankstas:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 14-3
Beat Raccoons -> 12-6
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 11-4
Beat Willis -> 14-4
Lose to Foul Balls -> 8-9
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 14-4
Beat North Stars -> 15-1

North Stars:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 8-10
Lose to Raccoons -> 5-11
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 7-8
Tie with Willis -> 8-8
Lose to Foul Balls -> 3-14
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 6-9
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 1-15

Spitball Artists:
Lose to Raccoons -> 7-10
Tie with Pontiac Pride -> 8-8
Beat Willis -> 12-4
Lose to Foul Balls -> 8-9
Tie with Yankee Doodle -> 9-9
Beat PS Wankstas -> 14-2
Lose to North Stars -> 5-11

Raccoon City Raccoons:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 10-7
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 10-6
Beat Willis -> 14-3
Beat Foul Balls -> 10-6
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 9-6
Beat PS Wankstas -> 15-1
Lose to North Stars -> 6-7
Pontiac Pride:
Tie with Spitball Artists -> 8-8
Lose to Raccoons -> 6-10
Beat Willis -> 13-3
Lose to Foul Balls -> 7-9
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 9-8
Beat PS Wankstas -> 13-3
Lose to North Stars -> 7-10

Team Willis Inc:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 4-12
Lose to Raccoons -> 3-14
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 3-13
Lose to Foul Balls -> 4-12
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 2-15
Beat PS Wankstas -> 9-6
Lose to North Stars -> 3-13
Foul Balls:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 9-8
Lose to Raccoons -> 6-10
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 9-7
Beat Willis -> 12-4
Tie with Yankee Doodle -> 8-8
Beat PS Wankstas -> 14-3
Lose to North Stars -> 6-11

Yankee Doodle:
Tie with Spitball Artists -> 9-9
Lose to Raccoons -> 6-9
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 8-9
Beat Willis -> 15-2
Tie with Foul Balls -> 8-8
Beat PS Wankstas -> 13-4
Lose to North Stars -> 4-11
Porn Star Wankstas:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 2-14
Lose to Raccoons -> 1-15
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 3-13
Lose to Willis -> 6-9
Lose to Foul Balls -> 3-14
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 4-13
Lose to North Stars -> 3-13

North Stars:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 11-5
Beat Raccoons -> 7-6
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 10-7
Beat Willis -> 13-3
Beat Foul Balls -> 11-6
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 11-4
Beat PS Wankstas -> 13-3

Spitball Artists:
Lose to Raccoons -> 0-16
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 4-13
Lose to Willis -> 3-12
Beat Foul Balls -> 8-7
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 4-12
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 2-15
Lose to North Stars -> 3-12

Raccoon City Raccoons:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 16-0
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 13-2
Beat Willis -> 10-7
Beat Foul Balls -> 13-4
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 10-4
Beat PS Wankstas -> 9-8
Beat North Stars -> 11-7
Pontiac Pride:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 13-4
Lose to Raccoons -> 2-13
Lose to Willis -> 5-11
Beat Foul Balls -> 9-4
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 6-11
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 4-13
Beat North Stars -> 9-8

Team Willis Inc:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 12-3
Lose to Raccoons -> 7-10
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 11-5
Beat Foul Balls -> 10-7
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 11-6
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 8-10
Beat North Stars -> 9-8
Foul Balls:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 7-8
Lose to Raccoons -> 4-13
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 4-9
Lose to Willis -> 7-10
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 7-10
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 3-15
Lose to North Stars -> 4-12

Yankee Doodle:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 12-4
Lose to Raccoons -> 4-10
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 11-6
Lose to Willis -> 6-11
Beat Foul Balls -> 10-7
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 5-11
Beat North Stars -> 9-8
Porn Star Wankstas:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 15-2
Lose to Raccoons -> 8-9
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 13-4
Beat Willis -> 10-8
Beat Foul Balls -> 15-3
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 11-5
Beat North Stars -> 12-6

North Stars:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 12-3
Lose to Raccoons -> 7-11
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 8-9
Lose to Willis -> 8-9
Beat Foul Balls -> 12-4
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 8-9
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 6-12

Spitball Artists:
Beat Raccoons -> 10-8
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 12-4
Lose to Willis -> 7-9
Beat Foul Balls -> 11-7
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 9-7
Beat PS Wankstas -> 7-8
Lose to North Stars -> 7-9

Raccoon City Raccoons:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 8-10
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 11-6
Lose to Willis -> 7-8
Beat Foul Balls -> 11-4
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 10-7
Tie with PS Wankstas -> 9-9
Beat North Stars -> 9-7
Pontiac Pride:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 4-12
Lose to Raccoons -> 6-11
Lose to Willis -> 3-15
Lose to Foul Balls -> 7-9
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 3-12
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 3-12
Lose to North Stars -> 3-13

Team Willis Inc:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 9-7
Beat Raccoons -> 8-7
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 15-3
Beat Foul Balls -> 12-6
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 10-8
Beat PS Wankstas -> 10-8
Beat North Stars -> 10-7
Foul Balls:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 7-11
Lose to Raccoons -> 4-11
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 9-7
Lose to Willis -> 6-12
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 5-10
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 6-12
Lose to North Stars -> 4-12

Yankee Doodle:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 7-9
Lose to Raccoons -> 7-10
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 12-3
Lose to Willis -> 8-10
Beat Foul Balls -> 10-5
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 8-9
Lose to North Stars -> 6-9
Porn Star Wankstas:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 8-7
Tie with Raccoons -> 9-9
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 12-3
Lose to Willis -> 8-10
Beat Foul Balls -> 12-6
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 9-8
Lose to North Stars -> 8-9

North Stars:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 9-7
Lose to Raccoons -> 7-9
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 13-3
Lose to Willis -> 7-10
Lose to Foul Balls -> 12-4
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 9-6
Beat PS Wankstas -> 9-8

Spitball Artists:
Lose to Raccoons -> 4-12
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 11-4
Lose to Willis -> 6-10
Beat Foul Balls -> 11-5
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 9-8
Beat PS Wankstas -> 9-7
Lose to North Stars -> 8-9

Raccoon City Raccoons:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 12-4
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 16-2
Beat Willis -> 10-6
Beat Foul Balls -> 12-5
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 12-4
Beat PS Wankstas -> 13-2
Beat North Stars -> 13-3
Pontiac Pride:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 4-11
Lose to Raccoons -> 2-16
Lose to Willis -> 2-14
Lose to Foul Balls -> 5-9
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 5-11
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 5-11
Lose to North Stars -> 2-12

Team Willis Inc:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 10-6
Lose to Raccoons -> 6-10
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 14-2
Beat Foul Balls -> 11-5
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 10-8
Beat PS Wankstas -> 11-3
Beat North Stars -> 10-6
Foul Balls:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 5-11
Lose to Raccoons -> 5-12
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 9-5
Lose to Willis -> 5-11
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 9-8
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 7-8
Tie with North Stars -> 8-8

Yankee Doodle:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 8-9
Lose to Raccoons -> 4-12
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 11-5
Lose to Willis -> 8-10
Lose to Foul Balls -> 8-9
Beat PS Wankstas -> 9-7
Lose to North Stars -> 7-10
Porn Star Wankstas:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 7-9
Lose to Raccoons -> 2-13
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 11-5
Lose to Willis -> 3-11
Beat Foul Balls -> 8-7
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 7-9
Lose to North Stars -> 5-10

North Stars:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 9-8
Lose to Raccoons -> 3-13
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 12-2
Lose to Willis -> 6-10
Tie with Foul Balls -> 8-8
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 10-7
Beat PS Wankstas -> 10-5

Spitball Artists:
Lose to Raccoons -> 7-8
Tie with Pontiac Pride -> 8-8
Lose to Willis -> 7-10
Beat Foul Balls -> 10-6
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 10-6
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 8-9
Beat North Stars -> 8-7

Raccoon City Raccoons:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 8-7
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 8-9
Lose to Willis -> 6-10
Beat Foul Balls -> 10-7
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 10-7
Beat PS Wankstas -> 9-7
Lose to North Stars -> 8-9
Pontiac Pride:
Tie with Spitball Artists -> 8-8
Beat Raccoons -> 9-8
Lose to Willis -> 7-10
Beat Foul Balls -> 9-8
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 7-8
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 8-9
Beat North Stars -> 9-7

Team Willis Inc:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 10-7
Beat Raccoons -> 10-6
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 10-7
Beat Foul Balls -> 13-5
Beat Yankee Doodle -> 8-6
Beat PS Wankstas -> 11-6
Beat North Stars -> 10-5
Foul Balls:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 6-10
Lose to Raccoons -> 7-10
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 8-9
Lose to Willis -> 5-13
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 7-8
Tie with PS Wankstas -> 7-7
Lose to North Stars -> 6-8

Yankee Doodle:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 6-10
Lose to Raccoons -> 7-10
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 8-7
Lose to Willis -> 6-8
Beat Foul Balls -> 8-7
Beat PS Wankstas -> 8-7
Beat North Stars -> 9-5
Porn Star Wankstas:
Beat Spitball Artists -> 9-8
Lose to Raccoons -> 7-9
Beat Pontiac Pride -> 9-8
Lose to Willis -> 6-11
Tie with Foul Balls -> 7-7
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 7-8
Beat North Stars -> 8-7

North Stars:
Lose to Spitball Artists -> 7-8
Beat Raccoons -> 9-8
Lose to Pontiac Pride -> 7-9
Lose to Willis -> 5-10
Beat Foul Balls -> 8-6
Lose to Yankee Doodle -> 5-9
Lose to PS Wankstas -> 7-8
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