Latest Commentary: "Michael Moore...why do you hate America so much?"

Posted Thursday 17 June 2004 at 18:00 EDT

Michael Moore

The Fat Ass America-Hating Toad Himself.

      What the hell is Michael Moore's problem???

    I am going to keep this one short. How can a man (term used loosely) who exercises
the First Amendment as he does, hate all the things that make America what it is today?
America is undeniably the greatest country ever to exist. It got this way by brave men
and women standing up for, and dying for our freedom. It is a Representative Republic,
by, for, and of the people, with a democratically elected government. It is a Capitalist
economy, fueled by hard working individuals and entrepeneurs willing to take risks. It 
is an ever improving society that has outlawed slavery, government sanctioned segregation,
and discrimination in all forms. We take care of our elderly, poor (that wish to be
helped), and handicapped, and are the first to rush in and lend support in the event of 
disaster (natural or man-made) around the world. We have made huge strides in the last 50 
years to clean up after ourselves. So, while there is always room to do better, why 
disparage all the good that America stands for? All the time never offering a solution,
recommendations, or a PLAN to change the things you don't like?

   Because Michael Moore is just an angry left-wing nut case, and if it were just that
simple he could be easily disregarded. Unfortunately he turns out well funded left-wing
propoganda films disguised and marketed as documentaries. Disney's Lion King was closer
to a real documentary then any "fake" piece of crap made by that toad. That is MY problem.
I don't care what he thinks or says. The First Amendment guarantees him that right, just
as it guarantees me the right NOT to have to listen. The problem comes when the 
"documentary" label is falsely attached to his productions. That word association to most
people says, "hey, if it's a documentary, IT MUST BE TRUE!" Very clever Mr. Moore. However,
these are different times we live in. If this were 10+ years ago, people would be less 
informed (or more informed by the left biased mass media) and flock to his films. There
are many more ways to get news and opinion other than what is filtered and force fed to
the masses by biased left leaning media outlets with political agendas. Now, when people
don't go to see it, or theaters don't want to waste valuable screen time to show it, he
claims censorship. Newsflash for forces do not equal censorship. Only the
government can impose true censorship. Here is where Michael Moore is not alone in LA LA
Land, since all the Hollywood lefties think that if you don't go see their films, listen
to their music, watch their TV shows, or pay to see their art, they are being censored.
Actor Tim Robbins called it a "chill wind" that smacked of the red scare and being black 
listed. It's very simple....stop insulting main stream America, and what most of this 
country believes in, keep your collective mouths SHUT and just entertain us, and people 
will pay your salaries willingly. 

Written, edited, and produced by David LaPorte on 06-17-04. Permission is hereby
granted for this commentary to be freely reproduced, printed, and distributed, 
unedited and in it's entirety, with full credit given to the author.

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