Latest Commentary: "My Personal Endorsement of President Bush"

Posted Thursday 28 October 2004 at 23:00 EDT

 The following is the text of a letter submitted to the editor of my local newspaper, 
The Journal Inquirer

  I must respond to all the negative comments I read on a daily basis in the Editorial
and Reader's Page. I hereby personally endorse not only President Bush, but the entire
G.O.P. ticket. Former Governor Lowell Weicker may have thought he was cute having all
the party levers removed from the state's voting machines, but I will pull all the 
levers from Row A manually, and vote the party.
        While I may not agree with everything The President has done in the last four 
years, I certainly agree with the important matters such as the war on terrorism (which
includes Iraq as well as Afghanistan), Homeland Security, the dreaded [gasp] Patriot Act,
The No Child Left Behind Act, and cutting my taxes allowing me to spend more, which helps
boost the economy. I shake my head in utter disbelief when I hear the outrageous claims 
of the opposition, blaming The President for everything from high fuel prices to flu 
vaccine shortages. For every one of those claims, I lay blame on liberals in Congress.....
from giving in to militant environmentalists that won't allow domestic oil exploration 
or production, to trial lawyers running rampant on the pharmaceutical companies and our 
health care system. The President is blamed for jobs moving over-seas, when it is 
government interference, over-regulation, fees, and taxes that drive companies to 
countries where it is easier to earn a profit. Just ask Mrs. Heinz-Kerry why so many 
of the Heinz companies, divisions, or holdings have become those so called  "Benedict
Arnold Companies" and left the country? By the way, that quoted derogatory name is 
from Senator Kerry himself. 
I urge all my fellow voters to use the following guidelines for choosing their 
candidates for President, as well as all other elected offices:
1). I will never vote for a candidate that will seek a global permission slip to defend
our country, or puts the safety and security of our country secondary. Terrorism is not 
a nuisance. 

2). I will never vote for a candidate that has little or no respect for our military, 
or it's mission.

3). I will never vote for a candidate who promotes tax policies as though government 
owns all the money, and that the citizens should only get an allowance, determined by
the good graces of said government.

4). I will never vote for a candidate that has socialist tendencies. 

5). I will never vote for a candidate that would seek to undermine my God given right 
of self defense, or the right to keep and bear the tools necessary to do so.

6) I will vote for a candidate that understands the concept of "Separation of Church 
and State" means government stays out of religion, not to keep religion out of government.

7). I will never vote for a candidate that changes opinion, principles, or ideology to 
pander to a particular demographic group, which completely contradicts what he or she 
may have stated last week. 
     Using these simple guidelines, the choice is clear. The alternative, waking up 
Wednesday November 3rd to hear the words, "President Elect Kerry", is truly frightening.

Written, edited, and produced by David LaPorte on 10-28-04. Permission is hereby
granted for this commentary to be freely reproduced, printed, and distributed, 
unedited and in it's entirety, with full credit given to the author.

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