This web site was brought to you by Greg and Mike.� We are from Normal, Illinois.� This web site is all about cells that we have learned in science class.� This a project for our 7th grade science cell study.
Viruses:Viruses are small pieces of hereditary material covered with a proyein coat.  Viruses have to reproduce with the help of a host cell.  First the virus injects its hereditary material into the cell.  The material takes over the cell.  Then the cell starts producing virus particles that turn into a virus.  Last the cell breaks poen and the viruses are releasedand they move on to infect other cells.  Some viruses can be stop with a vaccine. A vaccine is a weakened particle of a certain virus.  THe virus particle is put into your body with use of a shot.  Your body eventually realizes that this virus is bad for you.  Your body goes and destroys the virus.  This helps so when you do get the virus your body recognizes that it's bad right away and goes in and kills the bad virus.
Cell Info.:
All cells come from prexisting cells.  New cells are form in a process called mitosis.  All living things are made up of one or more cells.  There is a animal cell and a plant cell.  The plant cell has chloroplats which is uesd to make fodd.  animal cells don't have chloroplast.  Cells are the basic unit of life and carry out all life functions.   
Animal Cell Photo
Cell Parts
Cell Activities
Contact Info:
Names:: Greg and Mike
[email protected]
Virus Photos
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