The Hottest Column is the Business!

Contents: Intro Genocide Re Cap Next Fortnight


Hello, I am Thor. A Former wrestler with the XWA and PCW amongst other companies. I am here to give you the scoop on the goings on in the Galaxy Wrestling Federation, with an unbiased viewpoint. I am here to bring you up to the minute information in my bi monthly column. This week you will find out all about the plans for the first pay per view GWF Genocide and also I will be re capping on all those trash talking sessions from hot new rookie sensations B2P and Bez to old timer and friend of mine Powerstone. All in all I hope you enjoy reading this column. Also I would like to thank The Lightning Kid Kurt Lucketti for the opening graphic for 'Thru Thor's Eyes'


This is destined to be one hell of a payer per view. It should prove the doubters how good GWF is. It will have shocks. It will crown champions. But who will the champions be? Well this is the first bit I am going to scoop, the first bit of many. I will tell you just how the format for Genocide and the title tornament will work.

Universal Title Tornament Format

It is split into two sections or pools. Pool One and Pool Two. The two winners from each Pool meet at Genocide for the Universal Title, the two pool runners up meet at Genocide for the Inter Galactic title. Here is the format.

Pool One

A Kurt Lucketti Vs Laura Wilson
B X Rated Vs Powerstone
C Papercut Vs Mike Manson
D Sean Studd Vs Bez

Round 2
Winner A Vs Winner B
Winner C Vs Winner D

Pool Final
Winners of Round Two

Pool Two

A Tommy Talent Vs B2P
B Shawn Awesome Vs Incognito
C Marco Junior Vs Danny Norbrook
D Prymate Vs Too Xtreme
For other rounds follow the same pattern as Pool One

Genocide Title Formats

Universal Title (Main Event)
Pool One Winner Vs Pool Two Winner

Inter Galactic Title
Pool One Runner Up Vs Pool Two Runner Up

Tag Team Titles
First Two Teams To Form and Request

Hardcore Title
An Invitational Match for all those not competing in any other match at Genocide

Re Cap

Here you will be able to re cap on the last two weeks of action both in the ring and in the back. As there has been no in ring action as of yet, This will not be as long and interesting as usual but I will re cap promos. First of all Powerstone broke onto the scene outraging the whole roster. Hhe verbally abused everyone from Commishioner X Communicator to Mike Manson to Bez. This provoked excellent replies from Mike Manson, B2P, Bez and others. B2P and Bez rookies to the big leagues really impressed a lot of people including mself. These two could go far should they avoid injuries. After the first week I really noticed an improvement in B2P, he has matured a hell of a lot of the past week. Bez is a little too hot headed at the moment, but once he adjusts he will go far. Mike Manson was impressive, he is a big name on the indy circut, little was known about him but he has made a good start. Kurt Lucketti and Laura Wilson have got a little thing going there, it seems to be bringing out good stage talent between the two stars. Lets hope it reflects on their in ring showings. Incognito has got off to a pretty good start and new comers Ryan Holden and Prymate have impressed me also. To be honest there hasn't been one person who has taken to the stage badly, I have enjoyed everyone's promos and if the in ring ability of you all is as good as your mouths, you will all suceed here in the GWF. If I missed anyone out I do apologise but, I do not want to drag on but everyone has impressed.

Next Fortnight

In next fortnight's column I will be re capping the first fortnight of active competition. I will be doing a big preview on the pay per view Genocide. I may also do a profile of a wrestler who has caught my eye. Until next time goodbye, This column is over "Llearn To Like It, Learn To Love It, but most of all Learn to LIVE WITH IT!"


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