Spanish version

(Discovering Your Soul Mate)      
by Gloria Martinez Alcozer

Its spring!   And, there is nothing more beautiful then to be in love during the spring season!.
But, when you doubt whether that special person can reciprocate your love you might like to take the following into consideration before requesting their reassurance.

    Love is not:
             - critical
             - looks for faults
             - is unfair
             - holds grudges
             -  or obsessive

Love is unconditional.  And, there is no room for prejudices.  Yes, " love " can be beautiful when its sincere.

To find out whether that special person is your "soul mate" add the vowels in your name and your partner's.  Then compare the totals, if your partner and yourself have identical totals - 
"You are Soul Mates!"

A=1, E=5, I=9, O=6, U=3 + Total = Reduce to a single digit number

For Example:

     1    9 1         9   1
M  a  r  i  a    D   i   a   z
Total = 21 = 2+1 =   3

    3  1           5     5             
J  u  a  n    P  e  r  e   z
Total = 14 = 1 + 4 = 5

The number of perception for Maria is 3 -
And for Juan its 5.
Juan &  Maria are NOT "Soul Mates".

" Oh, what happens now?"
" Until next week's issue!"
Wednesday, March 26, 1997
[email protected]
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