Infamous Days

An alternate history of World War 2 PBEM


(The USS Nevada on fire in the channel leading to Pearl Harbor, December 8, 1941)


The date is December 18, 1941. The Japanese Army and Navy have successfully launched air strikes and an invasion of the Island of Oahu.  The Japanese Air Force has gained air superiority in the first 11 days of the fighting.  The US ground forces are holding their own for now, against the relentless artillery and air strikes.  The Channel leading into Pearl Harbor is blocked by the damaged Battleships USS Nevada and Arizona.  In an attempt to regain air superiority the USS Enterprise and USS Saratoga were sent to launch air strikes on the Japanese. Japanese Dive and Torpedo bombers managed to locate the Enterprise on December 8, 1941 and managed to fatally damage the carrier while her fighters were over Oahu.  One Portland Class Heavy Cruiser managed to escape the Japanese assault on the Enterprise Battle Group and make her way back to San Diego Naval Base.   This is the story of Brave men and women in a history slightly different then our own. If you feel you have what it takes to fight for freedom in a way when the United States is fighting not only for Freedom in Europe, but also for it's very survival as a nation,  please continue on the inside.


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