Progress Report
I'll try and keep this updated as often as possible but with GCSE's and stuff you'll have to bear with us.
22/03/02 - Website created! Also, beforehand we completed the title sequence,              introduction and a massive board. After countless tweakages I managed to perfect the custom menu screen, the airship programme and modified Moonew's Glyph Card Game for possible use in ours.
23/03/02 - So far a pretty lazy day: created an explosion animation for use in a fireball special move, and tweaked around with a summon special move.
27/03/02 - What a day! Two and a half boards completed and an extended introduction were the fruits of todays labours. The intro is my pride and joy at the minute: although it's a bit short (and I plan to flesh it out a bit more) it uses the cool Earthquake effect on the Toolkit, and it kicks ass! I've also updated the site by adding another midi.
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