Antoine and the All Neopian Rejects


The Reject’s Guide to the Galaxy


Ask Ze Nuvakat


Author’s commentary


Song lyrics


Staff credits

This site best viewed with the font Boulder


Remember to check the AANR weblog for more updates!


Prayer requests: Dylan with lymphoma, Lengai, AANR as it goes through a few transitions


April 6, 2008

Four long overdue pages have been posted, but are so far only available on the Saturday Morning Sonic forums. AANR might be hosted by SonicVerse Team, and as I’m waiting for their reply I’m trying to decide what will happen to this site when and if that happens. I hope to update The Reject’s Guide to the Galaxy more often, especially so that new characters such as the Rejects and Grayson can be addressed more thoroughly. Pray for me.


March 20, 2008

Three small articles for TRGG have been added, detailing some of the more obscure plot elements. If you ever wondered what the heck the Beanstar actually was, now you can find out.


March 13, 2008

The Acara article has been edited to my satisfaction, a new song is up, and what I have planned next for the All Neopian Rejects (once comic #4 is completed) is... dum ta da dum... a secret. (Hee, hee, hee.) Let’s just say that if you go to the Saturday Morning Sonic forums, you might want to keep an eye out for any new posts by me in certain sections.


February 29, 2008

Ask Ze Nuvakat has been updated, and links to two new songs have been added to Song Lyrics.


February 26, 2008

Today I watched The Prince of Egypt, and it was really inspiring. Somehow I just got the feeling that God’s going to part a sea in my life today. I can’t really explain it; after all, it’s not like That Boy apologized or I suddenly got a new artist. Maybe the sea that’s parted is in my heart. At any rate, all I have to do is watch and pray.

If you readers could tell your friends about this website, it would be very much appreciated. And don’t forget to check out the AANR weblog.

EDIT: Well, I submitted this website to in hopes that I can get a bigger audience for it. This would be the second time I tried; the first time I only had the four-page preview comic, and that was just before SVT went off the ‘net for a while. Pray for me.


February 23, 2008

I need help. Check out the AANR blog for details. Oh, and I added a TRGG article on Bean.


February 21, 2008

I cleared my update history because it was getting 1. too bloggish and 2. too potentially humiliating for both me and That Boy. Honestly, I have, like, no tact whatsoever. I think I should get a Xanga account... and rewrite that horrid Acara article... and find another artist for the comic, because Lengai says she won’t be able to keep it up much longer with her schedule... oh, e-mail me if you’re interested. (The job is pro bono.) I’ll post more details on the Saturday Morning Sonic forums sometime -- first I need to write the last page of comic #4 so Lengai can draw it so I can letter it so I can post it so you all can see whether or not the All Neopian Rejects get thrown out of Ant’s house.

EDIT: AANR now has a Xanga blog! There currently isn’t anything there, but hopefully I can hype up my little webcomic and get more fans -- and more help.





Neopets images, species, and other stuff copyright 2000-2007 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission. Sonic the Hedgehog, Antoine Depardieu, and anything you recognize fromthe games or the old cartoon are copyright Sega. Used without permission. Lewanut Nui Jr. and his family belong to my brother, Lewanut Nui Sr. Definitely used with permission. All your base are belong to Dodger.

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