Designer : M. Schreck

Anno 1987 - E’ stato il primo pezzo della trilogia “Donare”, ed allo stesso tempo il primo pezzo della fortunata serie SCS, dedicata ai soci Swarovski. E’ molto raro, in quanto gli esemplari prodotti sono pochissimi. Come accessorio aveva la targhetta in cristallo dedicata alla trilogia. E’ assolutamente perfetto, e dotato di scatola e certificato originale. E’ disponibile anche la targhetta della trilogia.

Year 1987 - It was the first piece of the trilogy "Give," and to the same time the first piece of the fortunate SCS series, dedicated to the Swarovski partners. He is very rare, in as the samples products are much few. It like accessory had the plaque in crystal devoted to the trilogy. He is absolutely perfect, and endowed with box and original certificate. It is available also the plaque of the trilogy.

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