This page is now for archive purposes only. Click here for details about the new home of my Doctor Who collection information.
The Doctor Who Reconstructions are an effort to recreate lost episodes of Doctor Who using existing audio, video clips and/or still pictures. If you want more information about how they are made, look at the Loose Cannon web page or (click on their logos above). Because they are fan-made and very unofficial, they are not sold, but distributed by volunteers for no charge. See below for more on that.

Although many have attempted making reconstructions over the years, The Telesnap Reconstruction Team (also known as Master Plan Productions) and Loose Cannon Productions are the two main sources. Loose Cannon Productions, consisting of Rick Brindell and company, is still making and distributing their recons with new ones in the works all the time.

The Telesnap Reconstruction Team (including Robert Franks, Michael Palmer, Richard Devlin, Bruce Robinson/Change of Identity, and combinations thereof like the Joint Venture team) decided to end formal distribution of their reconstructions several years ago. I was one of their official distribitors ("dub sites") before they closed their doors, and I'd like to continue to be a resource for people to get these wonderful tapes. That is why I continue to offer them along with the Loose Cannon recons.
The Loose Cannon web page has an online order form you can use to contact me or any of the other dub sites around the world. You could also email me directly (especially if you are looking for the Telesnap Recons).

Once we've discussed which stories you are requesting, and I've given you my mailing address, you would then
mail the following:
Up to three new blank video tapes, opened and pre- labeled with the names of the episodes you would like dubbed onto them. Labelling the tapes helps not only to ensure you get what you want, but also makes sure your tapes aren't confused for someone else's.
Enough stamps to cover the return postage to you. I know there are lots of other forms of postage out there, but please, stamps only - no metered postage (or any form of pre-dated postage), cash or checks, please. My Post Office rejects much of the non-stamp postage I get sent, and the package stays here until new postage can be mailed.
A self addressed adhesive label to return the package to you (if the return packaging is not pre-labelled).
The packaging you send should be suitable to be reused to ship the tapes back to you. Please keep in mind that packaging which needs to be cut open will be useless for the return journey.
Please be sure to read and follow these instructions. They are meant to speed up your tapes as much as to simplify dubbing.
Some other things to keep in mind:

Always contact me by
e-mail first to make sure I can handle your request.

Allow 2-3 weeks once you have your tapes back before sending another request.

Due to time constraints I can�t accept requests which deviate from the formats listed below. In other words, I can�t mix and match various episodes from the list. If you want a particular episode, you�ll have to get all that�s on the master tape.
Now that all that�s over, here�s what�s available...
Title - Tape Size
Marco Polo  -  one T160 and one T120
The Reign of Terror  -  T160
The Crusade  -  T120
Galaxy 4  -  T120
Mission to the Unknown  -  T120 
The Myth Makers  -  T120
The Daleks Master Plan -
2 T160s
The Massacre  -  T160
The Celestial Toymaker  -  T120
The Savages  -  T120
The Smugglers  -  T120
Power of the Daleks  -  T160
The Highlanders  -  T120
The Moonbase   -  T160
The Macra Terror  -  T120
The Faceless Ones  -  T160
The Ice Warriors - T120
The Enemy of the World  -  T160
The Invasion - T120
The Space Pirates  -  T160
The Massacre {Reconstruction by Paul Cryer, distributed by Loose Cannon}  -  T120
Title {Reconstructed by}  -  Tape Size
Marco Polo {by COI / Bruce Robinson}  -  two T120s
Reign of Terror {by Michael Palmer}  -  T160
Mission to the Unknown {by Michael Palmer}  -  T120*
          *Includes The Daleks Master Plan episode 1 recon {by Harold Achatz}
           and the fan production
Cold Blood, Warm Heart
The Savages {by COI / Bruce Robinson}  -  T120
The Smugglers {by Richard Devlin and Robert Franks}  -  T120

Power of the Daleks {by COI / Bruce Robinson}  -  T160
Power of the Daleks {by the JV Team}  -  T160
The Highlanders {by Richard Devlin and Robert Franks}  -  T120
The Underwater Menace {by Richard Devlin and Robert Franks}  -  T120
The Underwater Menace AND eps 2 and 3 of The Ice Warriors {by the JV Team}  -  T160
The Moonbase {by Devlin, Franks and Cranford}  -  T120
The Moonbase {by COI / Bruce Robinson}  -  T120
The Moonbase {by the JV Team}  -  T120
The Faceless Ones {by the JV Team}  -  T160
Evil of the Daleks {by the JV Team}  - 
two T120s
The Abominable Snowmen {by COI / Bruce Robinson}  -  T160
The Abominable Snowmen {by the JV Team}  -  T160
The Enemy of the World {by COI / Bruce Robinson}  -  T160
The Web of Fear {by the JV Team}  -  T160
Fury from the Deep {by Devlin, Clarke and Cranford}  -  T160
Fury From the Deep (w/ �making of� documentary) {by the JV Team}  - 
two T120s
The Wheel in Space {by Devlin, Clarke and Cranford}  -  T160
The Invasion (episodes 1 - 4 only) {by Michael Palmer}  -  T120
Doctor Who is copyright � by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). No infringement intended.
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