Boxes What's New
Well, needless to say, the biggest news for us of late is that we no longer live in California. (Sorry for those few of you who are finding out's so hard to remember evryone to notify, especially when your mailing lists are still in boxes somewhere.) The drive back to the east coast was well documented, and has begun showing up here in all its digital photographic glory. Click on the boxes to see what's been added so far.

Also, don't forget to enjoy some of these now-outdated but still quite interesting (work with me here) entries from excursions and visits of the past year. And keep checking back - more is being added all the time.

Until then...
Bun Boy does Vegas!
Washington, D.C.
It's time to close the book on our time in the land of fun in the sun. Check back soon for this pictoral summary of the time we lived in the West.
I went to D.C. and all you get is this lousy web page!
Bun Boy's review of our trip to Las Vegas
with a stop in his hometown of Baker, CA.
Got nothing better to do?
If you've read this far already, then it's obviously true. Why not waste even more time by adding a comment to the Guestbook?
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