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11.26.04 ~ NEW LAYOUT! Everyone please get rid of this site and go to: A great new layout by mine and Rydia's friend, Taya. New updates there!

11.19.04 ~ Updating time! Everyone please post on the updates board if there is ANYTHING, whether it is for your charry or just the site, that I need to update. I've done all that I can see, but I'm sure there's more out there. Please help and post there! Also, there's one egg left on the sands, so the next candidate to post there will get it! After that the next flight shall begin! If I go in order, it would be Ari, but if there are others who may have been promised to go next in line, let me know on the OOC board so I don't post her. Everyone say goodbye to SR and give her LOTS of presents and thanks for all the work she has achieved at this site. From a slowly dying site, she revived it! Everyone thank her and let her know how much we'll miss her! Have fun everyone and await the new layout VERY soon!

11.17.04 ~ Hey everyone! I'm back! Projects at school are finally slowing down and I can take some time out of my homework pile to have fun here! Well here's a quick update on everything. New layout coming soon, although it will still be version five: barren. The war is over, but plots have only just begun! Congrats to Sean and Spade, the Weyrleader of High Reaches Weyr! It was a small clutch of 13, with more blues and greens than before. There are still people and Clan members up for adoption so please check them out! More updating shall be done soon, but for now this is about it ^.~ have fun all and remember: advertise! advertise! advertise!

9.7.04 ~ school is in full swing so i bet a lot of you out there have piles of hw to do...sadly my school has no mercy w/ hw *tear* well, lets try not to slow down! lets try to keep the posting going! The flight with Sabra's Are will start soon, so males get your exercise while you can! No dragon higher than a bronze will be auditioned, joined, or hatched! We need the green and blue population to have a big boom! so lets try to fix that, k? next, all candidates please post on the hatching sands. you have time, but that doesnt mean you should wait until the end of the flight. i want this hatching to start the minute the flight it over. weyrling training is starting again! all weyrlings to the bowl! f'rel is still teaching, so i want all the weyrlings there. training shall most likely speed up a bit with the 'interruption' of kai and conan. plots are thickening, so be prepared! i think that's all for now, so here's my hint of the month: advertise! advertise! advertise!

8.28.04 ~ It's the end of the hatching! Our three candidates have been found! Thank you Vavra, Ky, and Robyn! Hurry up, you three, to post at the sands for your dragons, F'rel doesn't like late people remember. ^_~ Weyrling training is in full swing! The next flight won't be for awhile until we have a certain number of members. Flits are still going for free, but for a limited time only! Get them now while you can! SR or I will give them out randomly, so no complaints. A few of our members will be away until monday, so lets give them something to see when they get back! Plots are going to be in action soon, so keep your eyes peeled. Updates should all be made by now, so have a look around and don't forget to advertise!

8.27.04 ~ Only three more eggs to go! Will they hatch or not? Join more candidates! Weyrling training is underway at the Bowl! If you're from one of the late hatchings, you better get a move on! F'rel isn't a nice guy when people break the rules! New Hold! Paradise River Hold of the Lilimcamp (Jayge & Arimana) has been made in the South. Get their draqus free for every three members that join from your recommendations/advertising! Only sold from that Hold, first it must be found before anything happens! Goodbye Mei and Rico for this weekend and you both better be back early on Monday for our main events ^.~ If you want to know what a Draqus is, check the updated Useful Terms page. If you want to live at Paradise River Hold, you must first speak to Rico to see what the available characters are. Ask her if you can join the character you want to join and only she can accept you. Our number of members has increased to 41! Lets reach that number 50! advertise advertise advertise!

8.26.04 ~ Weyrling training has officially begun! Go to weyrlinghall if you still need training. If you post now, you will be late. Also, go check out the Fighting Wings page to see what Wing you're on for Threadfall. It looks empty now, but soon we're going to fill them all! *cheers* lol. but first, you have to ADVERTISE! its very simple people. go to the promote board, copy, and then paste at any site you see. go to someone's advertising board and just go to every site that has advertised there to advertise galliv! easy as cake! now, speaking of advertising, our wonderful Rico had an idea. From now on, for every three people that join this site by your advertising you get one free draqus (hm...i think thats how they're spelled). Just picture a horse with wings, fangs, and claws. They are usually used for Lord Holders to protect their Holds from strangers. Hopefully uncommon, any Lord Holder may recieve one and commoners are more likely to get them than dragonriders. (meaning don't only join as dragonriders, but join as commoners, hall people, etc.) so, ready to advertise?

8.25.04 ~ Activity check is over! all inactive characters have died of a disease explained on the healer hall's page. Hatching has ended! Weyrling training is starting soon! Tomorrow by the latest! Get your posts in now before F'rel posts! Flit clutch! All go to the ooc board and tell SR that you want a flit! On the Terms of Use, new colors have been added! The final colors of Galliv have arrived, so go check them out! It's quiet now with Weyrling training, but the Darq Weyrs are on the verge of stirring things up, so be on your guard! Our lesson of the month: advertise daily!

8.24.04 ~ Activity Check ends TOMORROW! post now if you plan on staying! Our numbers are increasing, but those are all members from the activity check. we want NEW members and NEW people! lets get advertising! If you have a newly hatched dragon from this recent clutch, please report to the Weyrling Hall at Benden Weyr for training from F'rel and Talzynth. Once he posts, any newcomer after him will be LATE! Be warned, F'rel doesn't forgive tardiness easily. Once weyrling training is underway, we can finally begin! only a few more dragons to hatch and on to training of our newest dragonriders! Go check out the cool award site SR signed us up for! Voting will start September 10th, so once that day comes I hope all of you will vote for us ^_^ *holds up signs while shouting* Advertise! Advertise! Advertise! SR made the promote board so that it gets over-used! Let's see those new people coming in huge groups!

8.23.04 ~ wohoo! more people everyone! we're close to finishing off this clutch so that the plot can begin! dragonriders, prepare yourselves! everyone needs to help SR in advertising! we wont get the plots started without people! advertise at every site you know of! take ten minutes out of your internet time to post everyday! help us out! if any of you have any plots in mind, use them! we want action and until the hatching is over, it isn't going to attract people! The activity check is closing! TWO more days of the ACTIVITY CHECK! Post your characters now! *nods* should be all for now...remember: advertise!

8.22.04 ~ everyone welcome back halo and rico! *applause* that means talon and kai are back! only 8 more candidates needed until the end of the hatching. afterwards, weyrling training will begin at the weyrling hall for all weyrlings until more weyrlingmasters are found. for now, my f'rel will be the weyrlingmaster for all the weyrs. time is running out for the activity check, so put all your characters there now! new updates board for your charrys that i hope SR and i wont have to check TOO often ^.~ advertise advertise advertise! we want more ppl! lets make this place crowded w/ ppl! *grins* *pokes* o yes, i almost forgot. im gonna be leaving all of my prior updates below so u can have a chance to look back if i said something u dont want to forget *winks* (so dont delete it SR) have fun posting y'all!

8.20.04 ~ Hatching has started, but 11 more candidates are needed! we need advertising to begin again! ACTIVITY CHECK on the ooc board! if you aren't here by the end one Augest 25th, your character will be up for adoption. more people to audition for! lots of things to do! o, and everyone welcome galliv's second owner...*drumroll* SR! lovely new layout by SR and new things will be coming to galliv so be prepared. new rules and audition board! reread rules and check out the audition board to see if there is any position you want! o and rydia is now gonna help accept people at the joining board! (just wanted u to know in case you got confused when she accepts or denies pplz ^_~) I think that's all for now so off i go!
November 20th
Resignation by SR

November 7th
YAY! I updated! Go me! *does hampsterdance*
And on top of all that the flight ended! So there's dragonets all over the place! *points at hatshing sands*
Now don't be upset if yo ugave me a 5000 word hatching post and only got a green or a silver. Like we said before there'll be VERY few bronzes, tourmalines, diamonds, golds, jades and black diamonds. Very few meaning almost none. Since everyone gave whole bloody long essays I dumped that idea and went to read some of your char's post when there's no dragon on the line and judging from that and your char's history and personality I chose a dragon. If there are any complaints I'llhear you out but I'm not gonna change anything no matter how you whine, threaten or pound me. There's also and Activity check! I suggest you hurry upand reply to it. If you're too late for the check your chars will be killed without regards. It sucks but that's how it works.
Now let's see...
Once again I want to call upon you all to post and plot and promote Galliv!
The only thing keeping this game together is the manic posting of Rico and Mei really. They're the only ones I've seen posting lately... >.<

SR the Terrible

October 18th
Recent news: Two queens were lost under obscure circumstances. Sr. Weyrwoman of Benden Weyr Kayko and her queen dragon Leiza jumped between and never came out again. Earlier Jr. Weyrwoman of Ista Weyr and her queen dragon Kyche lost their lives at the same spot. The northern continent is shocked by the sudden death of the two and are clueless of the cause other than what Fort Sr. Weyrwoman Boton has witnessed.
Meanwhile Are's flight is nearing the end, All candidates should be brought onto the sands. I want the hatching to start as soon as the flight comes to an end.
That's all for tonight! Drive safely!

The honorable SR

October 17th
Ok, I stuck up the new lay out even thought there were two votes against it. Those people can just chew it raw and swallow.
The navigation changed a bit but I think it all got a lot easier because of that. It just takes some getting used to ;) Everything that was on the Southern continent (Clan, Paradise River, Darq Weyr) you can find on your left under South (yes, surprising huh?) Everything that was on the Northern continent (Benden, Fort, High Reaches, Ista, Harper Hall, Healer Hall etc.) you can find on your left under North. (smart thinking right?) The OOC board the plot board and a list of contacts can be found under 'get out' Audition moved to Sign Up and History and Useful Terms are now among 'other' together with the rest of the stuff that formerly was ooc. The rest is pretty much still the same. I'll get some promotion stuff up anytime soon and I'll change the boards hopefully before the end of this week.
I also hope to have a clutch by then *glances at Daine, Rachel and Rico* and by tomorrow Kayko should have gone *poof*.

The ever lovable SR

October 14th
Ok this is scaring me... the only two active members I've seen are Mei and Rico (you guys seriously rock) Than there are some semi-active ones: Rachel, Angel, Halo, Mirror, Rydia and myself and the rest is either inactive or highly invisible. I seriously hope it's the last one but the first one is more likely (sadly). So I'm gonna say this once again. POST YOU DEADGLOWS! OK... that might've been a little harsh but I need you all to post nad be active and plot and play and... Role Play for the love of god! Don't just post and sit around waiting for someone to accidentally trip over your post. Galliv has over 200 boards, Rico and Mei might go over all of those every damn day but I for one don't so the chance of me finding your post is 1 on 200. If you wanna RP go to the OOC board and tell someone where to look. That, my dear friends cna be the start of a plot.
Person X posts his/her character (who has an interesting history, cuz person X is one of the many awesome RPG-ers on Galliv) at the Lake.
Person X goes to the ooc board and tells ALL the interesting people there about his/her awesome post and the fun character with the interesting history.
Person Y sees the OOC post and has a character that could excellently work with the history of Person X' character.
Person Y goes to reply and than contacts Person X through AIM, MSN, the OOC board or e-mail (all provided to you by Rydia and yours trully) to make a plot.

Doesn't have to be big, bad and shiney as long as it's remotely itnerestign to both Person X and Person Y.
I'm slightly cynical today... but for the first time in weeks I have plenty of time to go over all the boards only to find outdated threads that never have been finished.... It's depressing.
On a brighter note: I'm working on a new layout, it will be up somewhere next week after we enter the next stage in Gallivian history my friends. The only one who know about this are probably me Daine and Rico so hold on to your breakfast 'cuz it'll be interesting... *wiggles eyebrows*

A very frustrated; Yours trully.

October 8th
I added some new ranks to audition for in the Weyrs. Might be interesting for some of you. Also we're about to start a new plot so keep posting otherwise it won't work out! We also need a lot of candidates for Are's clutch. We only have 5 at the moment which is just nto enough. 20% of the candidates on the sands will be from the Darq Weyr. Feel free to join a Darq candidate, in fact please do! We've got three new members since my last update. Everyone welcome Allure, Kate and T.T. *cheers and applauds* Hopefully they'll stay with us until the end of Galliv so make 'em feel welcome *glares*
Just kidding, now if you'd excuse me I have to go advertise this lovely site *purrs and pets Galliv*

Always faithful - SR

September 30th
WE CAME IN THIRD FOR BEST ORGANIZED RPG! I'm gonna stick it up in the OOC section somewhere *beams* I'm so proud! *hugs Galliv and all it's members*

We've got three groups on Galliv now and they all want to change the world so it looks more like their own community. We've got the Weyrs, who want things to be like they were. The Darqs who see their bondeds as equals and tend to like havoc and mayhem. And of course the Clan who obviously want the extermination of the human race. I think that'll give some good plotting options. It's no longer just a personal grudge, it's a planetwide thing now! *evil cackle*

Ok, I did some updating *pets Mei* I did some advertising *pets self* and I'll be doing some cleaning up anytime soon (gotta stay true to the award, no?). If you use HTML close the tags! if I see one more unclosed tag I swear I'll scream... I'm not gonna play font-fairy anymore, the post will be deleted. Sounds harsh (and I'm sorry) but I'm getting rather tired of having to change my boards back to original font colours every other day ;) What else... oh right I made some changes to the History page, it's less scrolling and reading now. Just pick whatever you feel like reading and *poof* you're there. From the Poll I can see everyone really wants a beastcrafthall (and we've got one wood-fanatic). I'll start working on it as soon as I can. Further more Daine seems to have disappeared again... *frowns* she's starting to get rather good at it.. *chuckles* Anyways, continue plotting. You guys rule!

Your God and Sheppard, SRness

September 20th
I'm back!! Do mind you I am extraordinary busy especially on mondays and tuesdays so bare with me everyone. I'm sorry for the inactiveness. I'lll got to it as soon as I have more than 20 minutes online time so let's cut to the chase.
I have no clue where Daine is, honestly I dunno! *pokes Dainikins* She should wake up anytime soon... hopefully. Other than that I believe Are went into flight! *dances* which means great fun and amusement and a new clutch soon. So we need CANDIDATES! which means ADVERTISING! we all love it, we just don't know it yet. Because of Daine's absence it is no longer reasonable to try and get weyrling training going so let's all pretend (yes, pretend. Lovely word) that all the Weyrlings just learned how to fly... mmk?
Great! Further more, activity check until sunday If you're not here I'm not gonna bother with putting all your chars back up, deleted is deleted simple as that. So if you're not in time for the check sucks for you but you'll have to start all over. I'm harsh and I know it but I don't care, I'm working and in college and it's hectic as hell, I have no time to fiddle about with the member's page for a week after the check. If you don't reply to the activity check you will lose your positions AND bondeds.
Oh, one more thing, from now on Darq riders cannot be joined they have to be recruited by other darq riders.
Muaha! No more sitting around doing nothing Kai and Rae! Work for your members! *evil laughter* (I blame the lack of sleep...really..! *shifty eyes*)

With Stress, SR

September 8th
Everything is purple! And everyone better like it *snarls and snaps* This one is staying on for a while 'cuz if I have to go through all those boards.. AGAIN I'm seriously going to jump from my balcony... *nods* Just so ya know.. ;) If you find anything wrong/disfunctional let me know please. I dun want any flaws.. I hate flaws especially in my layouts... For the next lay out I hope to have mastered Photoshop... :)

Thanks to:
Mei for your attempt at helping (even though I finished it all myself, I still love you :P)
Stormzlz for the idea
erm...who else... *ponders*

Oh everyone go check out the Record's page, Rico made an aweseom chart of the dead :)
and I added an extra feature when I was on my "break" I made badges for all the Weyrs. Even created a NEW one for the Darq Weyr.
I know, I'm insane and have way too much time on my hands. Don't rub it in. I'm hoping to make badges for all holds/halls as well but I wasn't in the mood anymore so.. *shrugs* They are the original badges in the original colours... save the Darq Weyr badge. Ok...aspirine... poor head.. too much html.. *groans*
Oh, one more thing... the Voting of the Allegro Awards is moved up to the 12th. So no voting yet... in two days. Now I'm eally done...

SR (who currently can't move shoulder muscles)

September 8th
New Lay out!!! Tell me what you think ^.^
It's not done yet, unfortunatley I've got a couple of 100 boards to alter. But school started for me, so whenever I've got time I'll alter some boards. I'm gonna try and fit posting in it somewhere. Volunteers anyone? Tell me on the ooc board if you wanna help and I'll e-mail you a handful of boards incl. passwords and the HTML to put on it. Advertising lay out shall follow shortly.
Anyways, LOVE ME! I learned the html for a map image and learned how to use adobe in a half day. It's probably not the best layout ever but I'm new to this program and it has some function I don't understand or I haven't found yet( if not both). So bare with me everyone. At least it's not white anymore.
Give me opinions everyone!
Special thanks to;
Stormzlz - for giving me the colour idea and the name
Draconian - for letting me peek in her layout HTML so I could learn :D
Thanks guys.

SRness the Mad

September 7th
Yay! New Members! and Benden has a wingleader now too *dances*
I think the now most of the ranks that rquire a high ranking dragon are gone it is a good time to say No more queens/jades/bronzes!!! I'm serious.
Look at the wings, the queens wing is bulging while the rest of the wings barely have two riders! O.o So I'm gonna put a ban on bronze and up for undetermined period of time. Maybe if you're lucky it'll be evened out by the time Are is flown and her clutch has hardened but I'm not promising anything.
Other news: I got a new picture program *glances at it* it's so highly complicated that it freaks me out completely but I'm working on it and I hope to get the hang of it anytime soon so I can fix us up with a new lay out.
Ys, I'm finally giving in, a new lay out is coming, I've got the design done I just gotta make the damn thing.
It's gonna be so pretty... *glows*
*whispers to Rydia* and will have no more white

(a very fuzzled) SR

September 5th
People, posting is a necessity! As is advertising!
Wingleaders, you should start selecting Wingseconds. You can pick them on your own, give the position to whomever you think will do good. It can be any colour and from any Weyr, transfers are quite alright. We still need a Wingleader for Benden everyone! Anyone up for the position? Go Audition! You'll most likely get the part. We also still need people to fill up the holds and halls, even the Weyrs needs commoners. In other words: Join commoners! or get people to join commoners!
For every 3 members you bring in you will recieve a draqus! They're worth it!

(a slightly frustrated) SR

September 3rd
WEE! I'm back! *dances* I'll get to replying a.s.a.p but I gotta do some updates first. Since I am the one and only update freak *grins* New members, haven't read the posts yet...too hyper at the moment. So yeah, sit tight. updates on the way, posts on the way. Ok and which one of you deathglows does not like our prettyful new colours?! huh?!
Kidding...relax..won't bite your head off, but please make a suggestion as what we should alter/add to make this game better

SR *in great agony*

August 31st
OKies, more features. Galliv now has a Poll and a counter! Yay! Brief update on current events. Kai went all evil and started killing Weyrlings until Inhamaid (Kai's sister) took out her long bottled up revenge on him. Nice family huh? Kai kidnapped Ari and her bondheart Trinity and took off. Despite the search Zair and Reina performed the traitor got away. Two residents of Paradise River went to explore and are currently having a close encounter with our lovely dragoness Tath *pets Tath*. Last eggs will be hatching soon and we're drawing closer to those 50 members. Keep it up!

SRness - The update Freak.

August 30th part duex
YAY! Seperate hatching ground for all the Weyrs!
Bored moment..don't ask...

The omni-present SRness

August 30th
I added some aditional rules, I suggest everyone goes to read them so there'll be no misunderstandings. They're not big rules but they're rules ;)
Lots of new members! *cheers* Seems like this puppy is getting back on it's feet!
Keep it all up guys You're all awesome!!

SRness *rocking on*

August 28th
Just a few things that have been bothering me. First of, people close your fonts! It's not that big a deal. Pernese dragons (yes, the dragons in this game) don't have scales. They have a suede-like hide, that's why you have to oil the hide in order to keep it from flaking. There are basically no animals on the game that you find on earth. This is a different planet, even though runnerbeasts show a likeness to horses and herdbeasts show a likeness to cows it's a different animal. Deer, doe, moose, cow and horse: No. Wherries, runnerbeasts and herdbeasts: Yes. A hatchling is about the size of a dog, keep that in mind and it can barely walk, let alone fly. Weyrling training is not an option, it's a MUST. If you don't go through training successfully you will not get a rank. You and your bonded share emotions, meaning whatever you feel your dragon feels and whatever your dragons feels you feel. Dragon hungry, you're hungry. You're sad, dragon sad.
If I sound harsh and like a bitch I'm sorry, it's just been bugging me and wanted to get some facts straight with everyone. Thanks for reading and keep up the good work! *cheers*

(a slightly annoyed)SR

August 26th Part Two
Ok, more updates. Paradise River Hold has the sole breeding right of Draqus, that mean no one but the people at Paradise River can breed them. If yo uwant on you'll have to wait until Paradise river is actually discovered. It'll happen soon, no worries. If you recruit 3 members for Galliv you can have a Draqus! Yay! Paradise River Hold is opened for the residents, you can join at the Hold itself but only into the family if Rico wants you to


August 26th
Yay! More features!
I added a Wings page on Daine's request and I made the Member's page more workable (less scrolling involved)
Hmm...what else.. Oh right, I'm hading out Flits to whoever wants one! Post on the ooc board and that's all you need to do, no sample posts nothing. Just like that.
I also want your opinion everyone, what can I do to make this game bigger better and better known? Tell me please!

SRness (*almost frantic from lack of members*)

August 25th
Ok, it's the 25th here. Probably at whereever you're at it isn't yet. The activity check is over. Go check out the new colours that'll soon be introduced to Galliv.
On a sadder note: I killed off all the hatchlings that weren't picked up, gave 'em random names and to cover up all the loses I created a disease. Mainly among dragons since they're the ones that'll be missed the most. Please check out the Healer Hall Updates for information on it and play accordingly. Thanks alot y'all. I'm glad you stayed with us *cheers* (*chants* advertise! advertise! advertise!)

The Retard Hated by All that lives in her room; SR

August 24th

I signed us up for two awards at Allegro Awards!
Weyrlings report to the Weyrling Hall of Benden Weyr! Your training will start a.s.a.p and F'rel is waiting! This doesn't apply to all you Weyrlings out there who alreayd have a rank assigned to them.
Lots of new Sister sites check 'em out they cool! :) The member count stopped at 35 if I'm not mistaken. *dances* The Bad news... there aren't any NEW players. Only the old bunch. And even though I love you all very much, some new faces wouldn't be bad...

The Always Advertising SRness

August 23rd

I signed us up for two awards at Allegro Awards!
Way out of our league but it never hurts to try :P We're in for Best Fantasy Award (some pretty good other PErn RPG's on there) and Most Organised!
Well..I think we are organised.. my personal humble opinion...
Anyways.. back to advertising for me.
Activity check for 2 more days! People, POST-ADVERTISE-PLOT please!


August 22nd
omg.. I'm done! the whole site is adjusted to the new layout *applause* So... the grand new opening has started offically and I'd like to welcome our newest member; Foxface! yay! *dances* welcome a board Foxface :D
If any of you find any boards or pages that have not been adjusted to the layout yet (I'm sure I'm overlooking some) please let me know on the ooc board. Please advertise with me! I'm doing it, help is very much appreciated *puppy dog eyes*
Activity Check still active, only 3 more days hurry and reply if you haven't yet!!


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