Marlo Pabon : Rythm Guitar
BIO: Born on November 1st 1986,  it has been said that Marlo is one unique guy...well... not... really.... Marlo is the rythm guitarist for Questionable Authority by keeping the main rhythm going with his guitar. Along with Jeff's skilled guitar playing, him and Marlo are a treat to watch on stage. Being in a band such as QA has been Marlo's dream ever since he can remember and he's glad that it's all starting to come together with people that have high ambitions for the band also. Marlo hopes to take this band to places he never imagined, only time will tell when you'll be sittin' in your car going, "Hey... Questionable Authority is on the radio...... again!!"
                     Marlo's Features:

Age: 15

Characteristics: Marlo has a great sense of humor, he is also Puerto Rican. He somtimes takes on to many things at one time. He has school, tennis, homework, concerts.... (with his oboe). He's gonna wear himself out!

Influential Bands: Fenix-TX, The Vandals, Blink182

Marital Status:
Has a girlfriend             

Often Used Lines: "To the extreme!"
"Hardcore!"    "Nicely done..."

Favorite Food
: Sushi

Guitar he plays:
Ibanez "RG 220"  Silver/Grey.
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