News Archive Summer 2001
June 2001 News Archive...

6/24/01 - Fridays jaming session was successful when four nine-year old girls showed up and actually payed to see the band play! The band turned in a profit of $1.20 in change.

6/14/01 - Questionable Authority will be setting up their equiptment over the weekend and plan to "punk it out" on Monday in Scott's garage. Check out then "Music" and "Calender" pages often to see whats going on with the new ablem "songs, songs names, gigs, etc.."

6/4/01- Check out the new page, "Questionable Ramblings" where the band ramblin's on what the want!

July 2001 News Archive...

7/23/01 - Just in case the public was unaware, each band member now has their very own guestbook! You can access them simply by going into the members bio section.

7/22/01 - Well, Jeff finally got on to the site, so look for more updates soon.

7/3/01 - Check out the latest addition to Questionable "Questionable Photos." Where you'll find some messed up pictures of the guys...Enjoy....

August 2001 News Archive...

8/23/01 - Now you can take a Questionable Poll every week! Just click on the the red box that says "Questionable Poll Of The Week..."

8/16/01 - Check out the newest addition to Questionable,"News Archive." You can find old news about the band on the web page.

8/15/01 -As you have noticed the front page has been changed, we hope you like it!

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