Questionalbe Ramblings Page 3
Scott 7/6/01- Once again Due to Marlos Compulsive Complaining, we have added a 3rd page. Now we have "More Questionable Ramblings" and "Alot More Questionable Ramblings."

Marlo 7/18/01- Well well... will you look at that! I third frickin' page to our senseless bitching. I'm still in Puerto Rico and Ricardo got here like a week ago and he was supposed to call me when he in fact got here and can you believe that the little shithead hasn't called me. Where the hell are you man?! Anyway.. it's sad to see that not a lot of people are coming to the site anymore. hmmm.... maybe if the other members of the band rambled more often it would be a lot more interesting don't you think? Fine.. I've rambled enough.... shit guys... I have my new flavor of the week and her name is Denise Quinones. This girl... I mean.. damn...

Jeff 7/22/01- Yup, senseless bitching indeed. At lest theres no more compulsive complaining, right Marlo? Well I hope your happy, because I've finally managed to fix my AOL-ravaged computer and actually be able to edit the page! I think the reason nobody comes to the site anymore is because HALF THE BAND IS OUT OF THE COUNTRY! And because of this....setback, we can't really do a whole lot and so we don't have anything to update. Well, since I can access the site now, I shall apply my master web-master skills and get the hits coming back!

Ricardo 7/23/01- Out of the country?......since when?

Scott 7/23/01- Man i havnt Rambled in a long time. Well im still talking to that girl::::::riley::::::: shes really cool, She saids she looks like britney spears ::::::::ill be the juge of that:::::j/k. No im sure she looks like britney. Un Like Marlo who has a differnt girl he likes every week. Anyways, Marlo why the hell did you try to change the backround on the front page? Thats great Jeff you actually got on the page,Dont F up the page jeff!

Marlo 8/3/01- Well guys I'm back from Puerto Rico and ready to punk some shit up! Scott... shat tup man. A girl every other week? If that's the visual image you have of me... that's pretty cool! And no Scott.. I have not been messing with the backround to the page. Why do you guys always blame me? You know.. there is a fourth member to the band.. why don't we blame him? Hmmm... no.. it'll be to easy to blame Ricardo.... Wait... what the hell is this? Scott and Jeff are like and aliance... so that means it's up to Ricardo and I to kick your ass! no.. j/k.. listen guys we have some summer left so let's get "crackin" on some new shit. Let's do this guys..

Jeff 8/9/01- Oh Sunuvabitch I'm so damn tired. I'm at Marlos house right now, its 8 AM and we've been up all night. We're like sitting here desparately trying not to fall asleep. I just threw a pencil at thomas. Well We're not doing a whole lot with the band lately, half of them are still out of town, but oh well. I've started writing a song and I'm almost done, just need to do the verse lead portion and the vocals. But thats ok, the vocals are the easy part.

Scott 8/13/01 - Hey guys i just got back from......where ever i was, anyways Marlo take off that "lyrics" thing on the music page. We cant post any thing like that intill we get it copyrighted, so no one steals it :::::::::jackass::::::::::: yeah also i love how we tell are fans to keep checking the calender and the music pages,for more up dates. Yeah they havn't been up-dated in like 2 months!

Marlo 8/13/01- maybe your right scott maybe people would want to "steel" out stuff. Oh and Jeff, lyrics aren't that easy to write my friend. Well anyway, my guitar is in the shop, but it'll be ready tomorrow and I think Ricardo gets home tomorrow so we can have some rehersals going again by the end of the week. I hope everyone is enjoying the rest of their summer, until a later time, see ya later...

Jeff 8/24/01- Uh guys...I think we need another page...
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Marlo: Red

Jeff: Blue

Scott: Green

Ricardo: Yellow
Link: Questionable Ramblings Page 2
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