9/14/01- Holy crap,i havn't rambled in a while...well school started and it sucks. QA thats my band, is pract. on Sunday and Tuesday of this week comin up. Thats good now we can work on our 2nd song, we only have 1 song right now. well i hope you like my new intro thing i put in. well  i g2g sit down and reflect on what i said to myself on time and i got confused with an apple next to tree with a monkey in it eating a bannana that man has just thrown up and ran away screaming that hes the only sane one. yes i am finished...

7/10/01- Im starting to wonder, does any body come to my site? I mean i know its pretty boring looking, its not like "jeff's" site...hes got all these links and all these crazy colors. well not really. So thats why im going to add a few more pages, to see if any one notices. ok well i gota go open my window and scream "I LOVE OLD PEOPLE" out my window laterz.

6/29/01- hey, i finally added "old latest ramblings." hey you now what would be cool? If you check out my "stupid advice" page.......i've heard its pretty funny. I also dont mind if you send me a question feel free to look around and have fun with the site.....its on the link thing over there, highlighted in blue (well actually any link new to the site is highlighted in blue.). ok, well i gota go lay face down on my bed now, laterz.
this picture is awsome, it shows a giant wave crashing into a sandy beach well not really
Old Latest Ramblings
My other Page
Questionable Authority
Stupid Advice
Contact Info:
Scott Fowler
[email protected]
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