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My Favorite Links:that stink
My Info:tament
[email protected]

6/21/02- hey guys, i fixed the site alittle...theres a new picture page. Just click on the link that saids pictures.

6/16/02- hey fans, guess what...my band kicked me out! can you belive that? oh well, i guess we didnt agree on everything about QA. I think that and alot of other stuff is why they kicked me out. But now i can do my own stuff, i was never really into the music that QA was playing either. i think the only member of QA that i will actually talk to from now on is Marlo. Because he was the only one in the band that didnt want to kick me out...thanks man. well i g2g do whatever it is that i do...later.

6/1/02- Hey heres what i got for my b-day... i got spider-man the game for gamecube. i got an old school Expos hat. i got a star wars book, a couple of shirts, and an ESPN beenie. g2g later.

5/31/02- hey guys, i changed the web page alittle so i hope u think its cool. Tomorrow is my birthday and ill be turing 16 ::::::to the extreme:::: ill update again either tomorrow or Sunday, to let u know what i got for my B-Day. Sign the new guest book!

5/5/02- today is cinco de mayo! meh...yeah so today my band and i practice at Jeff's house. Blake couldn't come cause his parents are nazis and wont let him.I actually update the QA page so u can check it out. Be sure to look at my Stick Man site. Its updated like every week.

4/14/02- Meh... i havnt updated in a month.The sitck man web site is under construction cause i messed it up. So it should be done tomorrow to the extreme. I had band practice today...Marlo didnt even bother showing up. We had to audtion for a new vocalist today. he was ok just nervous.

3/15/02- Hey fans, i just put my "Stick Man.Com" web site. The site has stick man cartoons that i made theres about 5 of them, but there are more coming! To see the new site look to the right at the links that stink area, you should see a link for Stick Man.com enjoy!

3/13/02- Man the talent show was tight!!! we palyed in front of like 100 people, but anyways that was like a week ago now so i gota move on the the next thing...over the weekend i got this cool art program that lets you make cartoons, well my frist one is below in the Pictures section, hope you enjoy it later!

3/3/02- Talent Show is this Thursay, so come and see my band to the extreme!!!

2/22/02- hey fans, well once again i have not updated in long ass time, but dont worry because u havnt missed much. well my band
finally got a drummer(blake hanna.)and my bnad is in a talent show!its on March 7th at Royal High School's MPR. well gotta go practice nothing to the extreame...

1/13/02- hey guys, its my first update of the new year! man this sucks i have to go back school...man i just wish winter break was longer. Oh well, anyways im having fun with this new game i got, called "Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3" its not that new, but whatever...i have already beatin it, its not very hard. well i g2g play my video games later...

12/27/01- hey fans, i got a black gamecube for christmas! i got 3 dvds, a TIVO, and 3 games! damn, i made out good...(to the extreame)wow im actually updating 2 weeks in a row...if i were u i wouldnt get my hopes up, because im lazy and this is a once in life time thing i think... well g2g do things late.

12/21/01- damn, i havnt updated in a while. well Christmas is almost here! Today was the last day of school, intill break ends...in my history class Marlo brought in a tape with Space Ghost(as seen below) on it,man space ghost kicks ass(to the extreame!) Im sooo happy that school is out for 2 weeks! Hopefully my band can get some work done over the break.....yeah well g2g late.

11/22/01- hey fans, happy thanksgiving! today i might get a game cube, if my brother can find one. Im gonna get Star Wars: Rouge Sqaudren II! well g2g go get ready to eat tings with turkey in them to the extreame....later.

11/16/01- hey guys, my first update in November. yeah my bands finally practicin this Sunday! ah gezz that new Harry Potter movie is out, and everyone is like "hey wow its that guy with the thing and the you know with the What?!" yeah well g2g see yah later.

10/30/01- hey fans, i im excited about halloween cause i get to cause trouble and get lots of candy!Jeff,Marlo and I are goin trick or treatin to the extreame so look for the idoits running around and screaming "OPTIC CHAIN!" ok g2g fix my thing with the thing again ah gezz wow not th-

10/24/01- hey i have not updated in a while, oh well no one looks at this site anyways!well i finally finish the QA buddy icon, so you can use it and stuff.So my band is still lookin for a drummer, we got this one guy in mine..but i shouldnt say to much about him. well g2g later...

10/10/01- damn school sucks, i gota stay after school with my math teacher so she can teach me some math things on the home work assignment.YEAH! i got my new Shaggy/Scooby/Bush picture thing up, its on the side bar thing next the counter.hey be on the look out for my new picture page comin' soon.

10/8/01- hey my web sit has change to my "OLD-SCHOOL"
look, i hope you like it!
Space Ghost
Stick Man.com
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