Questionable Ramblings Page 1
Ricardo 6/8/01- SHAT TUP MARLO!

Scott 6/8/01- I second that motion!

Jeff 6/8/01 - Hey guys. I almost have the damned Fenix TX song. Scott and Ricardo, can you guys get the bass and drum tabs for "beating a dead horse"? Oh and's communist, not Repulicans.

Ricardo 6/8/01 - SHAT TUP JEFF!

Marlo 6/8/01 - nono... Republicans man... geez..

Scott 6/8/01- Hey guys... Republicans, Communist thier all the same. yah know its all "Questionable Authority." Ricardo why do u keep saying "SHAT TUP" to everyone?

Ricardo 6/8/01- SHAT TUP SCOTT!

Scott 6/10/01- hey i just got my new bass yesterday! Its "sweet". Now i guess ill look for some "tabs" on beating a dead horse for "jeff." oh yeah Ricardo "Shat Tup!"

Marlo 6/14/01- Hey guys... yea so tomorrow is the last day of school thank god... anyway, hey guys we're gonna jam on Monday right? Cuz if we don't....... ::shakes fist::

Scott 6/15/01- hey Marlo, its gonna be more like Tuesday or Wednesday, because "Ricardo" wants to sleep in and watch T.V all Monday!

Marlo 6/16/01- Oh... so like out whole scheldule is gonna revolve around Ricardo now? What a little shithead! So here are my words of advice to him "SHAT UP RICARDO AND GET UP OFF YOUR LAZY ASS....bitch."

Ricardo 6/18/01- yes, i know im lazy...oh yeah i almost forgot SHAT TUP MARLO!

Jeff 6/18/01- Tuesday?...Ricardo?...since when?

Scott 6/18/01- Does anyone else think Marlos a hipocrite? because he has to go camping on Sunday and Monday anyways, and he is getting all mad at Ricardo for being lazy. god damnit it just pisses me off...

Jeff 6/18/01- wait.............what?

Marlo 6/21/01- Scott.... you know for a fact that I am the best person in the world and no one can be better than me in any way. I can do whatever I want... I am the best and everyone loves me.... oh god.... how conceided... I'm sorry.. I do not know what came over me... oh and Jeff...... stop asking so many questions.. it's not sane....

Jeff 6\22/01 - To steal Ricardo's line... SHAT TUP MARLO! I know questions are not sane, but neither am I, so it makes perfect sense. Go meter man.. woohoo! He doesn't need guitar lessons..

Scott 6/22/01- Nice...

Marlo 6/23/01- Dude Scott... you gotta make a second page for this rambling crap.............. Shit guys.. I just saw the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life today.. She works at IG performance here in simi. She has really straight red hair and green eyes. She was fucking gorgeous..... She smiled at me twice. One of them was when I was walking out of the store. Oh well.. maybe I should go back and talk to her... hmmm...

Scott 6/24/01- Ok.......hold on

Ricardo 6/24/01- .... I HATE shoping carts!!!

Jeff 6/24/01- A 2nd page?..............i guess.

Scott 6/24/01- ok "MARLO" the new page is up!
Highlight Key:

Marlo = Red

Jeff = Blue

Scott = Green

Ricardo = Yellow
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