Title: -- Author: Subject: The System: Edaline Rating: PG Challenge: #16, waking up Notes: SMW is rubbing off on me, apparently. x_x Edaline woke up on a familiar dirty floor. Her arms were still hurting from the last time in this room. She didn't try to sit up. Upon attempting to move her hands she found that they were bound. It was so quiet that her breathing sounded far too loud. She couldn't tell how long she had been there. She was at a loss to whether it was even day or night, or how long it had been since she'd seen sunlight. It felt like months. There were no clocks or calendars in the Buffers. The sound of footsteps reached her ears. Immediately, her heartbeat quickened and her body tensed. This was the only person in the System whose name or label she didn't know, and not having something with which to refer to him was almost as frightening as the things he would do. The door to the room opened and closed, and the heavy footsteps came nearer. Title: -- Author: Subject: Rating: PG Challenge: Notes: