AB Name: GataFairy Real Name: Glorea A. Lairren Age: 16 AIM/MSN: SoubouRadiance / [email protected] Email: [email protected] How often are you online: Regularly, but when school kicks in my time is cut Time Zone: Atlantic Standard Have you role played before? Yes Desired Role(s): Cynthia Christensen (Irina's friend) Character Profile For made up characters, complete this part: - Character Name: Cynthia Christensen - age: early 40s - personality: charismatic, sweet, a litttle clumsy, fun-loving - physical description: dark brown hair,, dark green eyes, slightly (emphasis on "slightly") chubby - background info: Cynthia met Irina in college and they immediately clicked (Cyn's mother is Russian). They share similar interests, which has made it a lot of fun to co-own Out and About with Irina. She is completely oblivious to Irina's involvement with SD-6 and doesn't think much of the little distance that's formed between them over time, thinking it's normal. Cynthia herself is married and has two children: a son in college and a daughter in her last year of high school. - hobbies: traveling, sketching clothes,, baking, eating, shopping, make-up, daydreaming - occupation: co-owner of Out and About clothing company - cover story: n/a - relationships: Irina (friend) [b]Audition[/b] [i]Paris is absolutely gorgeous![/i] Cynthia looked outside the caf� window, her hands resting around a cup of coffee on the table. Across the street was a flower shop. A woman -- the shopowner or an employee -- was watering the colorful display of various beautiful, full blossoms. If she concentrated hard enough, Cynthia thought she imagined that she was the one amongst the flowers, and that all their smells combined to form one wonderful scent. She felt movement at the table and blinked herself back to reality, only to find herself face to face with the person she'd been waiting for. (to Irina) "Irina! You're..." She paused to check her watch, then the clock at the caf�, since hers was still set to LA time. (to Irina) "...not late!" She smiled broadly at her friend and business partner. They were meeting to discuss how the Out and About branch in Paris was fairing. Irina had a cup of coffee with her too, Cynthia noticed as she took a sip from hers. Send a postcard with your name, address, city, state, zip, and birth date to: RANDOM HOUSE CHILDREN'S BOOK Alias Poster Offer 1745 Broadway 10th Fl. New York, NY 10019 Offer ends June 13, 2003 or while supplies last. Want to win a signed cast poster? Be one of the first ten fans to call on Friday Feb. 14th, 2003, at 10 a.m. and you'll receive an autographed poster signed by Alias cast members! 212-782-1231 Congratulations!! -- Good Luck!! You have been selected to advance to Step 2 of the Handler Application process. Before we proceed, I want to emphasize that Moderators need to be active members of the boards in various forums and visit the boards regularly. They also must follow all rules and not spam. If you believe this is you, then please continue with step 2. Instructions are below. Step 2 -- Moderating Scenarios Tasks: For each of the scenarious below, state what the problem is, and how you would solve it. Please tell us exactly what you would do, not what you think we want to hear. If you would post a reply or send a PM, please include a sample post or PM you would use. If you do not know how to solve the problem, then explain what you would do in that situation. NOTE: Please include the scenarios, followed by your answer when you reply. Also don't forget to include your USERNAME in the email. Email Subject: Handler Application - Step 2 [username] (note: substitute the word username with your AB board name) Deadline: Email these scenarios and your answers no later than Monday, February 17th to [email protected] Scenarios: 1. You see a signature with 2 banners advertising the same fan club, one of which is 300 x 100 pixels. Problem(s): Double advertising can be considered a form of spam. Also, banner code is being violated. Solution: The editing of the user's signature. 2. You go to "mind games" and see that someone's opened a new thread called "tv association 3" but you see that the previous thread "tv association 2" only had 100 posts. Problem(s): A duplicate thread. It can cause confusion for people who play this game. Solution: The threads would be merged. 3. You come across a fight between two members in a thread in one of your forums, where they are insulting each other. Problem(s): People have to respect each other! Boards are about sharing and fun. Solution: A post (below) in which the problem would be brought out to the light and a warning would be put up. If the insults are too heavy, then the thread would be deleted and the members involved would be PMed (below). The Post and/or PM: Gu~ys~, fighting is bad. The boards' purpose is to make friends and all that wonderful stuff. People are different, but that's what makes the experience so much fun! Insults are just wrong period. So shake hands and call a truce and either forgive-and-forget or move on and leave it at that. 4. You encounter a post in the "Alias Discussion" forum just on Jennifer Garner and has nothing to do with the show in general. Problem(s): A misplaced post that should be in the Sydney Bristow forum. Solution: Moving the post to its proper forum. 5. You find out that a member has been lying and pretending to be two different people by registering multiple accounts. Problem(s): It's an unfair situation: someone else might've wanted that username. Also, it most probably takes up some sort of space somewhere within the inner workings of the site. Solution: The accounts would be deleted. 6. You encounter the following post at Francie's: PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!! NeeD HeLp FiNdInG PIX! I WILL luv U 4 eva. TXS! Problem(s): A misplaced post that should be in the Graphics Request forum. Also, caps, distorted text, and misspellings are used. Solution: The post would be moved to its proper forum, and the user would be PMed (below). The PM: Please remember to read the Agent Handbook. Thank you! 7. You receive a PM asking you to change their username to Michael Vaughn. Problem(s): The username is taken, and I doubt that that's in the Handler/Moderator's jurisdiction. Solution: A PM (below) back in which the situation would be explained. The PM: Username changes are out of my hands. Also, that username is already taken. Please make sure to read the Agent Handbook. 8. Someone PMs you asking to become a Handler. Problem(s): That's entirely out of my hands, and there's a rule that says that members shouldn't ask to be Handlers -- they will be picked when needed. Solution: A PM explaining the situation (below). The PM: Handlers are picked by the Directors. However, sometimes they'll hold an open search, in which members are asked to participate if they want to become Handlers. Basically, it's a sort of waiting game. ^_~ Just behave and be alert! 9. Someone posts a new thread with a picture asking how they can make that their AV. Problem(s): Asking for a custom avatar when only staff can have these. Solution: A reply explaining the situation (below). The Post: Only staff have custom avatars, if that's what you mean. It can be made an avatar and put in the avatars gallery for everyone to use, though. 10. You find one of our interviews posted in its entirety on another site with no credit or link back to AliasBoards.com. Problem(s): Stealing! Stealing bad! Solution: The site's webmaster would be e-mailed. They would be asked to give credit where it's due or to take down the interview altogether. 1