!! 07.24.03 — Added Nancy’s profile; original date of upload to GC: May 8, 2003

Yet another old summary: Everyone has the chance to shine! When strong personalities in Gandelle High collide, it can only mean trouble -- and maybe a bit of blood. >.>;

AN:  This includes my characters as well as AngelofLight1’s. We’re partners in crime, so we share. ^_^ (Alter ego, post the non-game! POST IT!! Emanov~~~ *heartheartheart*)


Character Profiles


Name: Willamena Dorian Franklin

Nicknames: Will, Dorian (to Luther)

Created by: GataFairy

Age: 15

Hair: Golden blonde

Eyes: Crystalline (clear) blue

Elective: Fencing

Will is an elegant, confident sophomore who comes from a high-class family. She appears aloof and proud and while she is these things they are only a mask. She has a lot of love to give and gives it to those who are close enough to her to be called friends. Currently she is angry at Flynn Dunbar for something he published in the school paper — the Faces in the Future’s Mirrors photo gallery. The Franklins and the Dunbars have been at odds for as long as anyone can remember. Her biggest weakness and flaw is her fiery temper and fierce desire to protect anything and everything (and anyone and everyone) important to her.


Name: Claire Justine Atkins

Nickname: n/a

Created by: GataFairy

Age: 14

Hair: Dark brown

Eyes: Dark green

Electives: Band and dance

Claire is Will’s best friend and is currently living with the Franklin siblings. She is a quiet, often sullen and sarcastic freshman. She came to Gandelle High because it was, simply, the best high school in the state. Her parents, friends of the Franklins, allowed her to live with Will and Luther. Since she appears to be a loner, other students hardly talk to her unless it’s to ask questions about what homework they’d missed. She gets along well with Kiana, who is in her class. Claire shares Will’s views on the Dunbar brothers and is very loyal to her friend, who is like a sister to her. She’s also often seen with Alan (some people think they’re an item — she quickly denies this, but she does like him). In reality, Claire is nice — she just likes her privacy.


Name: Alan Bastien Fulbright

Nickname: n/a

Created by: GataFairy

Age: 16

Hair: Black

Eyes: Hazy brown

Electives: Drama and baseball

Alan is a very amiable and humorous junior. He gets along well with people — including strangers —, especially Claire, Will, Kiana, and Kaiya. Deny or avoid the subject though he might, he does, in fact, have a thing for Claire. They’re very friendly with one another, and he’ll take any excuse to hug her, pat her on the head, give her a wack in the arm… and so forth. ^_^ He’s athletic and an excellent actor — he didn’t get the lead in the semester play just because! He’s such a social student that he even gets along with the Dunbars.


Name: Luther Gerard Franklin

Nickname: Gerard (to Will)

Created by: GataFairy

Age: 18

Hair: Sandy (pale) blonde

Eyes: Steel gray

Elective: Chess

Luther is one of the oldest seniors in his class. Quiet and seemingly aloof, he doesn’t talk much (but he does talk). He is most emotional where his younger sister is concerned. Anyone seen being mean to her is instantly regarded to be a pest, and when Luther thinks you’re a pest… you’re lucky. When you’re a nuisance, you’re testing his patience. When’re you simply are… you are absolutely screwed if you come within a mile of the girl. Heh. He is a star chess player. He’s been very protective of Will ever since their mother died a few years ago. He’s not an ogre, though — he’s just quiet.


Name: Nancy Raja Richardson

Nickname: Nan

Created by: GataFairy

Age: 17

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Elective: Creative writing, health, and art

She’s beautiful, she’s graceful, she’s down to earth — and she’s Luther’s girlfriend. Nancy exudes a motherly sort of kindness that draws people near. She’s a great listener, not to mention an exceptional writer. Some find her to be prettier than Silvia Grey because she’s beautiful within as well. If she has any enemies at all (and with the way she gets along with everyone, it’s really hard to tell), they are most probably jealous of her.


Name: Flynn Bryan Dunbar

Nickname: n/a

Created by: GataFairy

Age: 16

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Caramel

Elective: Chess

Flynn is a bag of wonders. Or tricks. You can never really tell what he’s thinking, where he’s going, who’s side he’s on… He does the occasional section for the Gandelle Gazette, his most recent piece being the immensely popular Faces in the Future’s Mirrors. Of course, not everyone fell in love with it and this is part of the reason why Will is currently mad at him. He, however, cannot begin to fathom what the reason is, so he ignores it. Or rather, tries to. One thing that everyone’s sure about — he doesn’t always get along with his brother.


Name: Terrance Ormand Dunbar

Nickname: n/a

Created by: GataFairy

Age: 18

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue

Elective: Fencing

Terrance is the current Gandelle hearthrob. Rich, good-looking, and talented, he is admired by most of the girls in school. He is not older than Luther and would rather not have to be near him, which he isn’t. He detests Luther and is constantly provoking him. Since he can’t fight him he’ll fight Will, but only in fencing class — he knows Luther is very strong. There is one with whom he gets along extremely well — Silvia Grey. They seem like two of a kind, what with the air of iciness they both exude. It’s rumored they’re a couple, but there is no real proof.


Name: Kiana Sprite

Nickname: Kia

Created by: AngelofLight1

Age: 14

Hair: Platinum-blonde

Eyes: Silver

Elective: Art

Kiana is a kind freshman who dislikes violence but wouldn’t exactly hesitate to defend her friends. She’s mostly seen with Kaiya but gets along well with Claire, Alan, and Will. She is friendly and likes to see the good in people, little though it may be. A hidden skill of hers is leadership.


Name: Kaiya Fyre

Nickname: Kai

Created by: AngelofLight1

Age: 15

Hair: Red

Eyes: Red

Electives: Track and field and other athletics

Kaiya is, as her last name suggests, a fiery, passionate sophomore who can very well kick your behind into orbit. Strong-willed and forceful, you don’t want to get on her bad side. She’s not very happy about the Faces in the Future’s Mirrors segment and, having found a reason to hurt its author, she wants to exact revenge on him. She gets along best with Kiana and openly expresses her dislike for the Greys (and anyone she thoroughly dislikes, for that matter).


Name: Keiya Grey

Nickname: Kei

Created by: AngelofLight1

Age: 16

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Electives: Band and dance

Keiya is the twin sister of Tobias and stepsister of Silvia. She’s quiet and stoic and hardly socializes. Dressing mostly in black and staying away from too-bright places, this junior doesn’t seem to have any friends. Her mother is her father’s second wife. She is rather pale and seemingly fragile, but makes up for it with her agility. If she looks at you long enough, it feels as though she’s trying to look into your thoughts. She is regarded mostly as “creepy.”


Name: Tobias Grey

Nickname: Tobi (to Keiya)

Created by: AngelofLight1

Age: 16

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Elective: Kickboxing/self-defense

Tobias can best be described as a combination of Kaiya and Keiya — passionate but mysterious, gorgeous but lethal… He is the one person his twin is closest to. He’s the same creepy his sister is, but he is a bit more social than Keiya (and, considering Keiya’s non-social-ness, he is social). He also likes wearing black.


Name: Silvia Grey

Nickname: n/a

Created by: AngelofLight1

Age: 17

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Electives: War games/tactics

The Greys must have all inherited their father’s black eyes and hair, because all three of his children have them… his firstborn is Silvia, whose mother died early on. She’s every bit as mysterious and cunning and sinister as Terrance, and is insanely beautiful. She makes Terrance’s fans way jealous and has no problem with keeping the rumor of her being his girlfriend alive. She doesn’t get along too badly with Will, and Kaiya calls her “the Evil Stepsister from HE~LL.” (Well, not really, but it sounds cool, doesn’t it? ^_~)


Name: Jill

Nickname: n/a

Created by: AngelofLight1

Age: 16

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Elective: Chess

Jill is a junior who practically idolizes Silvia. She doesn’t really hate anybody, doesn’t really like anybody, doesn’t have a problem with anybody… her world revolves around Silvia. (Poor, misguided girl.) If anything, people think she’s a dunce because she seemingly doesn’t think for herself. She’s smart, though.


And a song I thought went well with the story, if you ever feel you need one, is Anything but Ordinary by Avril Lavigne. (Think opening/closing theme song type thing. ^^) It’s a fun song, I like it, and it just seems right. ^_^ :P ^_^

So that’s all for now… I have five tests to study for (YUCK) and, more than anything, I have no next chapter planned. (Well… just a sketchy, really bad one. o.o) So… yeah. Heh. But I’ll write something soon enough. I love the cast too much to leave ‘em hanging. ^_^