As she took a last bow � graceful, smiling � everyone watched. The curtain fell before her, obscuring her eyes and those of they who observed. But unlike times so many, it would not part again.
This had been her last grand performance.
As Glorea Lairren, she discovered uncharted worlds and brought to the light the legends they held as theirs.
As a common woman, she hid herself within herself.
As Alexandra Baucage, she was a person like any other, who loved and felt, wept and knelt.
And these words she scribes:
"Be virtuous! Be strong! Be courageous!
Love and be loved, and when you aren't loved, love still more.
Above all else love your Creator, He Who gives all.
Worry not for what others say:
Worry only for what you would say of yourself.
Flaws serve only to aid us in our journey to perfection.
Comfort one another, and be not deceived by appearances:
Do you think smilers never cry?
Smilers smile *because* they cry.
Let always your conscience be your guide, lest you fall and have only yourself to blame.
Be always brave. Know that you're always loved.
Never stop loving."
And so falls a silence in the stage and auditorium.
And in a little desk backstage lies the page which boasts possession of this: her last monologue.