[b]Name:[/b] Eskar doff Gaisafonak (that's EHS-kahr dohff guy-SAH-foh-nahk)

[b]Race:[/b] Human - Na'bai (The Na'bai are human in every physical aspect. The clan was born when several families in their town had bitter arguments due to their views and beliefs. Those who were for material progress remained, and those who believed in returning to nature and higher pursuits made their way to a deep forest which they called Na'buruk. There they live in tents; encampments are the Na'bai equivalent to small cities. Each person receives a special gift, and they discover it at their coming of age at 16. (It is said that the person encounters their soulmate on this day in some way or another.) They prefer to remain in seclusion from other Humans, and tend to get along with other forest-dwellers. Na'bai are inclined to being peaceful, and so they do not intend to join with the outside world. Chieftans are either male or female and are the firstborn of the firstborn of the current leader.)

[b]Age:[/b] 23

[b]Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Job:[/b] Fighter

[b]Appearance:[/b] Eskar's hair falls just past her shoulders in blonde curls; her eyes are crystalline blue and appear facetted in bright and dim light -- she is the very image of her mother. She is lean and lithe and is 5'8" tall. She wears boots, chainmail armor with parts made of fine metal, and a deep blue cloak which she mostly wears hood-down; also an upper arm bracelet of gold.

[b]Equipment:[/b] Longsword with sheath on belt; chainmail armor with its shoulder and forearm guards made of fine metal; a light leather pack with a brown tunic.

[i]Heightened Senses:[/i] Eskar can literally smell a presence and tell if it is animal or human. Her sense of touch can feel even magic, and she has trained herself to identify it in most cases. Coupled with her sense of smell, she is often right. However, magic can be camouflaged to seem like something else, so she is not overly confident about identifying it. Her other senses are only slightly heightened.

This longsword is similar in strength and size to any other. Its shiny blade acts as a mirror. If a person is of an evil heart, no reflection appears (but if the person possesses strong enough magic, this can be prevented -- it is not an all-powerful sword, but it is right more often than not); if a good person holds a dark secret within, the reflection is blurred; etc.

[i]Spells:[/i] Eskar knows several basic attack and defense spells. She is not particularly gifted in the use of magic.

[i]Levitation:[/i] Eskar has learned how to levitate at will. She does not, however, do the gliding thing -- she appears to walk or run on air rather than actually fly. (She can be knocked down, of course.)

[b]Pesonality:[/b] Eskar is confident and proud, a princess -- word which the Na'bai are unaccustommed to using; they prefer a word which, in Common, roughly means "she who rules in the place of the deceased woman chieftan" -- but also a fighter. She has quite the temper, yet despite this she is more likely to attempt to intimidate someone through words rather than force. It is rather difficult to entice her into fighting; if what causes her to fight heightens her emotions, rest assured that her reflexes and attacks also encrease. As to her immediate family and the closest of friends, she is more than willing to protect them to the end. She has more physical strength than emotional and is mother-like to her aforementioned relations.

[b]History:[/b] The firstborn of Tezme and Ativa, Eskar will be the mother of the heir. She has a younger sister, Tuvai, who resembles their father (Tezme) and is four years younger. Ativa was killed when Eskar was 14, and since then Eskar has developed a ferocity in protecting all that is dear to her. She inheritted her mother's sword at her ceremonial wandering through Na'buruk. (Note: Ativa was a musician, sort of like a Bard but not exactly.) Over the years she has wondered who it is she will marry, as the one she believes it shall be is not a member of the clan. That, and the desire to find out what the hint of evil in the wind is, drove her to wandering Serisa in search of answers. Her quest has taken her to many different places, where she has met many interesting folk, and encountered many a mystery.