Where Have All the Morals Gone?

          Sometimes I wonder what the framers of the Constitution of the United States would think of the country if they were alive now. I’m sure they meant for the best when they guaranteed us so many rights. One of the main reasons for immigration to the country was because of religious intolerance, which would explain why they wanted the system to give people that freedom. They probably heard of how some governments wouldn’t let people voice their opinions and realized that they didn’t want this to be the case in the nation they were forming. The Bill of Rights encompasses the most basic of freedoms, the ones young people will cling to, if only momentarily, to make a point in class or let people know they don’t intend to “shut up” when ordered to by their peers. The right to speak out is a treasured gift despite the fact that some people hardly think of it.

          Speaking out and voicing personal opinion has become commonplace and widespread practice. 1