Please note that this was written with minimal knowledge of the series and because my muses refuse to let me walk away without writing something for this fandom. ^^; I’ve only wached the first eight episodes, so I’m basing myself on the facts contained in them. (Plus stuff I read in spoilers. >.<) This really doesn’t have any influence on the canon of the series, so… please pardon any OOC moments and any general stupidity. Standard disclaimers apply, and… yeah. That covers it. ^^;


          That’s What Friends Are For


It was at that particular time of day that Misato Katsuragi usually found herself bored, despite all she had to do and all she had done. It was just the Misato way to be, and, while irritating, at least it was she who could be blamed for anything that went wrong… which was hardly ever the case, fortunately enough.

However, the conventional methods of boredom-killing were growing boring themselves. Seeing Shinji Ikari simply sitting there and observing Dr. Ritsuko Akagi observe something that was beyond her line of vision was a rather… dull thing to be doing. And after a moment of spacing out, off, and away, an idea crash landed in her mind.

“Hey, Ritsuko!” she chirped, taking a few casual steps to the dyed-blonde.

“What,” was the half-mumbled non-question reply.

“Wanna go bar-hopping with me and Shinji tonight?” the dark haired captain asked.

At the sound of his name, the Third Child raised his gaze and looked between the two older women, a hint of fear floating in his dark eyes. Since when was he old enough to go to bars, anyway?

“No,” Ritsuko calmly, flatly remarked, not looking away from the figures on the clipboard she held.

But Misato was not going to give up. Yet. “Okay. How about dinner someplace? My treat!”

“No,” the emerald eyed woman repeated, again keeping her focus where it was needed.

“Dinner at our place? I’ll cook.”

Shinji’s half-closed eyes snapped open at this; he said in unison with the scientist, “No!”

Misato cast a glare in the fourteen-year-old’s direction, folded her arms over her chest, then quizzically eyed Ritsuko. “And why not?”

Finally looking up from her work, the blonde raised an eyebrow and kept her look flat. “Because I’ve got plans.”

“What, another date with your computer?” Misato pressed, obviously reaching the annoyance point.

“You should consider doing the same.” With a final glance at the jumble of kanji and numbers, the scientist turned and began her walk toward the exit.

“Aw, lighten up!” the captain called after her. “I’m just trying to get you to have fun!”

“I don’t need fun!” The blonde stepped past the just-opened doors.

“Come on, Ritsuko! Don’t be so—” the doors slid shut, and Misato finished her argument defeatedly. “—uptight.”

Shinji finally let out a breath he’d been subconsciously holding since Misato mentioned her cooking. Experience spoke far more than necessary in this case. Relieved now that he felt that that danger was no longer present, he leaned back in his seat.

Only to shoot into a straight-backed sitting position with the sound of Misato’s fist not-so-gently hitting the wall.

“Damn it!” were the words accompanying the slam. Knowing Shinji wouldn’t venture to ask or try to console her, she continued: “She has got to be the most irritating person on Earth!” She added after a thoughtful pause, “Except Kaji.”

Shinji shrugged before leaning into his chair again. “You can be more irritating, though.”

Luckily for him, Misato was wrapped up in her thoughts and a newly born idea, and thus did not hear the boy’s remark. 1